Thursday, February 14, 2008
Another exciting Moment in Exile |10:52 PM|
While resolving a warrant issue last week I surrendered my leatherman pocket knife to the officers guarding the court. I intended to to retrieve it, but not only did the guard station close (I showed up at the court 4 minutes before official closing time that evening, despite meteoric driving speed, and the hiring of a pedi-cab, the only way I could have gotten there more quickly would have been to skip parking and just smash my car through the front door.), but also I totally forgot about it.
Now I'm constantly having little incidents in which I need to open a computer, cut open a package, etc. I reach for the knife and...feel strangely naked.

Dinner this evening:

Brendan: I went to get the soup can and stick it onto the coffee pot's theoretical heater. I thought, I should open the can up to be safe. [Gesture of reaching toward pocket goes here]
I don't have an actual can opener.
So, I have a can of soup I cannot open.
There have been several cartoons about this sort of situation.
I have access to nearly all of the world's incorrect information, pornography, and communication at my finger tips...

Alicia: but no way to open dinner

Brendan: I suppose I could crack this case open, pull metal out of it, and forge a can opener in the sink over the heat of a battery fire
But it's mostly aluminum in here, I'm sure

Alicia: or you could y'know...go get some food

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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Post Modern Faked Orgasm |3:15 PM|
Mariko: "Equaly suggestie is the status of those 'live' characters in Disneyworld. They realise the fictional in their costumes. Yet their realisation is doubly fictional and they are less real as presences than their mythic and filmic absences. Berleant interprets such a Disneywold as a parody of post-modernism, although that does seeem to miss the point that post-modernism is already pasiche.
Mariko: I've been reading 300 pages of this sort of thing.
Mariko: my head hurts.

Brendan: Oh man
I'm sorry, But that's hysterical.

Mariko: it is. but my head hurts. kind of makes you revise your furry post-modern thoughts. fake sex as a fake fake
how many fakes does it take to get to orgasm?
(for a furry)
in postmodernism?
spin the wheel.

Brendan: Wow, There's so many levels
What if they're faking it?

Mariko: like, they're not really?
oww. that's like being john malkovich, the furry edition
this is going to make it into your blog, isn't it?

Brendan: Yeah

Brendan: I wish I was back in school, thinking big thoughts. About people in suits being Disney characters.

Mariko: oh, its important stuff

Brendan: What if the internal A/C breaks? Is that some sort of comment on Hell is being other Characters?

Mariko: hah, dunno.

Mariko: also, the deconstruction of fashion in relation to postmodernism
the "cut" as the essential part of the garment and also, chaos theory in management
when you start learning this much about the structure of education, everyone starts to sound like they're thinking especially hard about things that are dumb.

Mariko: and then other academians calling them dumb, but not sure who or what to condemn because of the rapid changing of definitions
its seems like things eventually trickle down to semantics, doesn't it?
ugh. back to reading.

Mariko: The category of nakedness, far from being prior, could only follow that of clothes. Did not clothing invent nakedness, just as writing preceded speech. (the idea of the existence of a thing being defined by its opposition)

Brendan: Oh wow. That's very much like ancient people's defining zero, eh?

Mariko: I suppose.

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