Saturday, June 30, 2007
Living on the cheap |11:42 PM|
I spent a little over $5 today and still had a great time. I ate, I partied, I ate some more, went to a play, and got breakfast.
First, I got a call from Christina needing a ride to the party last night:

Even though I was about 1/10th of a mile from the party at that point, I still agreed to come pick her up, as long as she covered the gas (otherwise we were going to be limited to places that were downhill). Along with the couple of bucks from Christina (not enough for a full gallon of gas)I spent an additional $2 in quarters to keep fumes in the car. I managed to drive her home, and still limp back home.
I really should have taken the everclear from the fountain at that party and used it to fuel my car, as I certainly wasn't going to drink my share.
From there I went to help Josh and Katie move:

Note: Neither of the people in this picture are Josh and or Katie.
They paid me in Pizza.
The first set of pizzas was ordered from Mangia's, and we only ordered three. The connection was bad, so when he said the total it was a bit garbled.
Me: "Man for a second there it sounded like he said the total was $70. He obviously said $17. Hmmm wait a sec. I'll call him back."
Pizza dude: "Yeah that total was 73.60"
Josh, Eric and I at same time, in perfect harmony: WHOOOOOOA
Thanks to our Church Choir-esque harmonizing, the dude was already cancelling by the time I started asking for the death of that pizza order.
The papa john pizza Josh ended up getting kept me fed for a bit.
I drove over to Sheel and Mike's place without the A/C on, and I helped them move as well.
Mike rides illegally and in style
I was once again fed, and I acquired a sampler!
Now all I have to do is acquire the slightest idea on how to use it!
Sheel examines Christina's tiny cat toy thing while I'm trying to eat.
After that I hit a free showing of
The Intergalactic Nemesis featuring/starring an old friend of mine Lee Eddy.

As I parked I promptly fucked up my car when a tuft of dirt was revealed to be a concrete pillar.
Luckily I was able to quickly enlist a couple guys to help me push my car. I did want to ask Lee after the show to help, if only to say "Hey Lee! It's great to see you after so long, want to help unfuck my car?"
After that, I scraped together another couple of quarters for gas, and hit Tetco. I then remembered that it had been a long time since I used any of the reward points I'd been acquiring, and from that I was able to purchase "Breakfast"

Fritos and cheap milk! Awesome!
All in all, a productive and entertaining Saturday for less than the cost of 2 gallons of gas.
Labels: Captain Fantastic, Christina, Pictures, Sheel
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