Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Take that GOP fuck-o's |7:44 PM|
I don't care if the Dems raise taxes, try and fail to fix medicaire, the minimum wage, or spend all of their time blowing each other. I don't even care that they're Democrats. They aren't lying, cheating, child molesting, war mongering, oil company fellating, deficit spending, re-districting, vote suppressing mother fuckers. At least, not as many of them are, compared to the GOP.
Too bad Lieberman won, that sorry sack of shit needs to open a back door to an election in which he elects to be brain damaged.
Wonderlust: everybody has to start the rumor now that Allen totally fucking outrageously cheated.
Myself: Robo calls, calling individual voters, shooting people, bribing heroin addicts with a fix, importing large numbers of nazis on land trains, travelling back in time to vote more often...just keep going more and more absurd. From shit we know they did to shit they would do if they could.
Wonderlust: saying shit like, "what I want you to do is canvass the black neighborhoods and tell them they cannot vote"
Wonderlust: So when they certify results on the 27th and they file the recount the judge can just be like, "Son, I know you cheated. So adjourned."
End of goddamn chat log of the sort I post too often.
Allen better fucking lose. That racist, pigfucking shit head wannabe good old boy had better earn some extra time to look up new and interesting racial slurs.
Cursing fits this election really well, I think.
Labels: Politics, Wonderlust
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Monday, November 08, 2004
Monkey Men |1:33 PM|
Evolution Case Opens in GeorgiaSome loonies are trying to keep a sticker in the science textbooks that reads:
"This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."
The stickers read: "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."
The statement may not mention religon, but that's the clear intent, to strengthen support for "intelligent design" or other hogwash.
I'm in favor of this sticker, as long as all the area's bibles have a sticker that says "This book contains material on religon. Religon is a belief, not a fact, regarding the origin of everything. The material should be approached with an open mind, and critically considered."
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Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Good Job! |10:19 AM|
By the way, this is directed at folks who vote for the Theopublican party.Now you've gone and done it!
You better hope Bush's god doesn't tell him to take people's kidneys. His god is the only person he has to answer to now.
Everything that happens, besides outside attack, is all your fault. Everything. From car wrecks you witness to total economic and ecological devastation.
Oh, and your taxes are going up, genius. They just delayed that "suprise" until after the election. The money to do all the stupid shit has to come from somewhere.
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
Political Action |11:44 AM|
I was thinking about starting a website called pitchforks and torches. It was going to be a basic list of recent actions by the government that in more brutish times would have had the peasants running for the Bastille.
Instead I just joined the ACLU, and threatened to wear my pants down low.
Legislate that Morality you rat bastards. Not that I'm in favor of baggy pants or low slung pants, I think they're idiotic. But if you want to pass laws governing the clothes that can be worn then I'll wear those low slung pants on the steps of the capital. It'll make it easier for you to kiss my ass.
Also, why the fuck does Tetanus live on rusty objects? Cheap property values?
Update: It turns out that tetanus is ubiquitous. It's just that rusty objects are usually broken down, disused, non-maintained objects, so they're more likely to have sharp edges, and stuff to poke you.
I realized today that along with not liking being managed, I don't like managing people. I like working with equals, I like taking a leadership role when it is called for, I like taking the first weird risks and steps (though Portal would argue that I don't when it comes to invading conventions of deviants). I don't like being in charge of people.
Is this a lack of responsibility on my part? Is it a communications shortcoming, or a lack of experience? Management by consensus would be my preference.
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Friday, February 27, 2004
Not to say I'm a fan... |9:32 AM|
Howard Stern has been pulled off the air. The FCC, which gladly allowed Clear Channel to vanilla-fy the airwaves of radio, has made a crusade of enforcing decency. Glad to see they're willing to enforce the more popular and profitable regulations.
Thank goodness they fucking failed so utterly to do so on the internet. Bring on the random breast exposure:

Labels: Broken Links, Politics
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