Monday, June 14, 2004
Some random thoughts that don't deserve their own post. |12:00 AM|
While alternating between a Wendy's Frosty and a large rootbeer:

Portal: Lovely.
Cecil: Is this turning you on?
Cecil: (In a poor imitation of Portal's voice) "OH YES, PLEASE RAVAGE ME YOU HEAVENLY SLOB!"

I've renamed the trouble ticket queue at work. It is no longer the Printer-Tech queue. It is now the Pantheon Of Agony.

Just saw the last night of Ladee Leroy's play here in town. Damn good stuff, and as a compliment, emotionally draining. I hope her career takes off even more, she's a nice funny lady. The set this time was more elaborate and impressive. I think I prefer the old set though, if only because it had my name and web address spray painted on one of the walls.

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Monday, March 01, 2004
|7:57 AM|

Hey, when I get hit by a Colgate truck or whatever ends me, could you stuff and mount me near a popular intersection? I'd like to being posed in death as I lived, flipping people off with a grin on my face. I want lizard eyes, though. And fangs.

Nutrigrain Joke Spot

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Monday, December 15, 2003
I participate in my community, and make a Difference |11:37 AM|
Penny Arcade has been running a fund raiser for Seattle Children's hospital, buying games and toys for kids. I finally got off of my digital wazoo and bought something for them, as I'd been meaning.

I had a few requirements, such as "All one piece" and "Tough" and "Does not encourage stuff I wouldn't want my kids doing". That ruled out board games, puzzles, and some other neat things I would have bought if I didn't know that parts would almost certainly be lost and I don't want some poor tyke driven insane when he's 3 pieces short of completing a 500 piece puzzle during his treatment of leprosy or what have you.
I ended up trying for some doll that was 5 star rated for "Durability" and the user comments backed it up. Unfortunately they ran out of the last one right as I was trying to check out. Instead, I'm now buying some kind of single piece driving toy, the shipping on which almost equaled the cost of the toy.

I still feel my heart warm a bit. That might be this long sleeve shirt, though.

Anyhow, they got such overwhelming support for their efforts that they're having to take the wishlist down later today. It's not like many folks still read this rarely updated blog, but think of this as a "Heads up".

The last charitable act (Besides bleeding for the Austin Tissue Center, which I consider more cross training than some kind of charity) I performed with my checking account was for a cancer treatment fund. This guy I had never met, the brother of a woman who I only knew from a couple run ins and an online diary, had a fund up for his cancer. I donated as much as I could spare at the time, dedicating it a female friend.
I wonder what became of the money. I hope it found use.


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Monday, May 05, 2003
Shhhhh |2:29 AM|
Don't tell her I sent you. This Ladeeleroy entry was very, well powerful is a crap word for it. It's about her brother, who happened to die of cancer. He shouldn't be defined as what ended his life, as he was a lot more than that. How can I say that about a person I've never, and now never will, meet? Because someone who loved him wrote so much about him. The entries about her brother moved me enough at the time to donate to a cancer research fund. I didn't have a lot, and couldn't give much, but I did my best. I couldn't do much else.

Go take a look. Her other entries are worth a read as well.


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