Thursday, July 22, 2004
Going to Vegas |3:10 PM|
Update: Alright, I'm no longer diseased, now I'm waiting for all the photos to be collected. I'm going to type this thing up today, for anyone who is reading that is interested.
Meanwhile, to keep you interested here are some videos. You'll need the Divx codec to watch them, and they're somewhat rough. I learned some more about video compression so I'm getting better at the whole "Rip and Compress" thing, but these were before that.

Jesus_Christ Does the twist
G.Grrl pokes a belly, and has Toby follow suit

Okay, so I can't speak, I'm dizzy, and the sides of my head hurt a great deal. Doesn't mean I can't type up what occurred in Vegas.

Ouch, maybe it can. Ouch. Dammit, my head hurts.

Things to type:

Our dangeorous hotel room
spot lamps

Old Goons I met
AZ goons
That Av guy
-Rico's near murder of me

New goons with whom I hung out
...dammit who am I forgetting?

Lesser Extent:

Happy Fish
The guy that got ripped off by a hooker

That bar
Star Trek/ST movie

The ticket problems.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
|10:43 PM|
Those ballbusting shits in I/T finally blocked "". I wonder why it was available so long. Was it because it was being used by someone in I/T? Or was it because Blogger started trying to become a "community" of its own, with profile pictures and interest lists and stupid shit like that? The existence of blogger was that of a publishing tool. The community could arise from that.

But more than likely, it was just some shithead in the group that controls the firewall that decided to pull the plug. Best part of 'em ran down his mothers leg.

Anyhow, this is amusing.
30 megs or so.
That's Vorpal on the far left, then myself, then Toby to my right (Who does not look like Meatloaf), Deathbear (Who can't hold his liquor) and finally Sulzanti (tastes like Oreos) 

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Saturday, June 12, 2004
Mutter |8:11 PM|
It's always a drag when you wake up and see that it's 7 on the clock, and right as you start feeling good about the whole day being available you realize it's 7pm. Whoops.

Portal and I stayed up way too late last night watching movies, and she got a call this morning asking her to come into work early. Figures. They apparently need 300 cream pies made, and I wonder if despite the cost and time needed to make them if they're all just going to be thrown at people.
I drove her into work, headed home, and crashed out in bed. I was laid out from illness this friday anyhow, so it was probably my body recovering from that. (I can just hear Vid humming "Down with the sickness" if only as an excuse to make that Wah-ah-ah-ah noise).

Since the new car project has been delayed due to my negotiator leaving town for a week, this week I'll contact that machine shop so I can finally "go to prototype" on my invention. Seriously. I have their phone number, rates and everything. I'll have a large number of fantastically dangerous magnets in my house within the month. If I am found impaled against my fridge, crucified by tiny objects, know that it was for the best.

We're arranging the Vegas trip today, Vorpal and the rest of us, I mean. Should be interesting, turns out some bad ass folks whose names likely mean nothing to the average reader (Finagler, LTBS) are showing up. I wonder if LolitaHunterMachiavelliX will make an appearance? Doubtful.

I need to go get my camera back from Poker-Host Joe.

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Thursday, February 26, 2004
The Three Mr. P's. Or something. |10:48 AM|
Last night, I was delayed in going to Portal's house by my Past, some Pornography, and my Poppa. I had just told Portal I was leaving soon when a friend of mine sent me an AIM message showing me pictures of the current boyfriend of a former friend of mine. We remarked that his head looked kind of "smooshed". I think it's a medical term. Right after that, my dad (using my little sister's AIM client) sends me a message asking where his "f******* cookbook" was. Since the cookbook is mine, and I wasn't about to let my father self censor, I replied "You mean MY apeshitting, dogfucking cookbook?" I went on to use some other foul language when my dad, still sending messages on a pink background in a giant purple font, sent back "Don't try to impress me."

It stopped me in my tracks. Normally when on a cursing tear like that, nothing really slows me down. My dad managed to. When I explained this, he said "Thanks for the props, dog."

Ugh. At least he wasn't changing letters into numbers. At about this point, some random poster on a forum asked me if I still wanted pictures of a girl I had posted. I had posted a thread, in a pornographic context, asking "can you identify this chick?" with a bunch of pictures of chickens and ducks, also included were some random women from my webhosting. I went to the trouble of accepting his offering of a bunch of pictures of this girl. (I'd been using the image as a punchline to a bunch of rack related jokes recently)

Portal was only partially amused at my explanations as to why I was late. "You were late because you were downloading pornography?"
"Not for me! I was going to post it in this silly thread I made."
"Oh! So pornography for other people! You're getting picture for other people to jack off to? Isn't that kind"

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Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Outline |8:08 AM|
Back from Arizona.
A gallery

I had a good, relaxing time.
I spent a great deal of time in the pool, and eating. My back is red, and itching, from the massive sunburn. With any luck what's left of my skin will tan, so I won't look quite as pale as I usually do.

Saw a couple movies, enjoyed a 4th of July barbeque, spent time shooting the shit with good people, it was a busy trip.

Most of the really amusing stuff is portrayed in the pictures. You don't bother taking a picture when you're relaxing and contemplating existence. When I go to Arizona, I can get far enough away from my normal life to gain insight. It's much easier to make logical and rational decisions when you aren't as intimately connected to a situation, or person. In order to escape yourself, you need to escape all the normal parts of your life.
Very little drama erupted during my time. I did my best not to polarize the social groups, but it's clear that it was occurring without my help.

I did start to miss Portalstar quite a bit, so I was glad to get back into town. Once home, I began missing the friends I had visited. I found myself looking for them while walking around my own home, until I caught and chided myself. Seeking behaviour comes naturally to me, and I have to supress it.

I'm feeling more of my sense of humor returning, and I'm making other folks laugh again. I don't think I did anything particularly boneheaded while I was in Arizona, but I'm sure I'll hear about it if I did.

The following is an outline to help me jog my own memories.

AZ trip:
Wedensday was arrival. Chris's strange project.
Thursday was T3
Friday was big BBQ
Saturday was Charlie's Angels 2
Sunday was the mall and game works
Monday I departed

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Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Ah holy hell |1:54 AM|
I'm heading to Phoenix in a few hours. The laundry is drying, my books are selected, my agenda still up in the air. It should be an interesting vacation, and likely drama free.
That kitten person that Geeky may be giving a room to for the weekend came up in conversation.

Me: Do we have any proof that this kitten person isn't a furry?

Geeky: Kitten's not a furry, she's a geophysicist!

For some reason, that made me laugh my ass off.

Meanwhile, my humor seems to be crawling slowly back to me, as I learn to merely relax an not to write to impress anyone. You'll still have to put up with my whining for a little while, but I'll try to make it worth your time.
Portal brought up my going back to school again. She heard information which sounds promising. It's along the lines of "proove you were sick before a certain time, that you're better now, and able to perform and they might let you in, record notwithstanding. A doctor's note helps. "

I still think this is a setup for another fall, like last time, when I was looking into the UT extension program. At this point, it's not about salary.
And I understand that some of the richest people in the world dropped out of college. But I'm a bit of a stubborn human being, and being defeated like this pisses me off.

It pisses me off a great deal, and I'm tired of that feeling.

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Monday, May 19, 2003
|4:47 PM|
Heintzer and Geekygrrl made such a cute couple. They've clearly gotten to be more than just comfortable with each other, it's tough to describe. The best I can do is offer an example of behavior, that during conversations with a large group of people they'll react to some invisible signal, face each other and kiss. It seems almost choreographed. I wanted to state this somewhere, and this is as good a place as any.

Removed per Geekygrrl's request. FUCK YOU EX-BOYFRIEND.


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