Thursday, July 28, 2005
Apologies |8:49 PM|
A lot of my posts have been transcripts lately. Sorry. I'll get right back on the ball.
I will have to say though that being unemployed is like a depressing vacation. Like going to Disneyworld after the apocolypse.
Speaking of trips, I took several people out to go look at this bizzare tower in the woods. Unfortunately, it appears to have been torn down to make way for condos.

If this was a Stephen King story, that'd be the end of the world.
Labels: Geocaching
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Monday, April 19, 2004
|2:54 AM|
Dick is a killer: Tape loop parody song of George W. Bush speech. Fairly amusing in parts. I put it here because I wanted to download it at home, and found that the original host had taken it down. I assume other people might have had a similar problem, so here it is.
Sold books
I went to Half Price books on Sunday, carrying two big boxes of books. I was paid more cash than I expected, I bought some pulpish novels to read at work, and got rid of a whole lot of stuff that I won't have to carry when I move.
So why did I feel bad about it? Some of the books were gifts, some of them I'd had for years and years. I'd read my fill of them, though, and if I need them again I know where I can find them. I still felt kind of guilty about selling them, but I knew it to be an unreasonable feeling.
I told PortalStar that a couple of them were some of the best books-as-gifts I'd received as a child, and she replied that now hopefully some other child will get them and be just as excited.
I'll probably end up selling several more boxes of books, and that reminds me, I need to send Sinclair back his Dylan books. Speaking of Sinclair, let's all congratulate him on getting a job. HUZZAH.
Portal, Vid and I went Geocaching on Sunday. That was a fine outing, it's been a while since we've gone. The caches we found weren't all the exciting, but getting to them was very interesting. At one point, we had to construct a primitive bridge to cross a river that I estimated to be "Eh, looks like a foot or so deep." As it turned out, that was just how far down I could see, as when the bridge collapsed Vid found the actual depth to be several feet. We scared off a herd of turtles, and found a color changing lizard called an...oh crap. Annul? Anuol? I'll ask Vid.
At one point I had the choice of being educational or being a smart ass when the question of pollution and its effect on scenic areas.
Cecil: Speaking of, did you know that you can't read that Egyptian relic, Cleopatra's Needle they have in New York?
Portal: Oh? Why is that?
Cecil: Because it's written in fuckin' Egyptian!
But you don't have to take my word for it, take a look at this
link!bought robot
feel better
Buying that vase
Fark linked to again
Need to move the T-shirts
Labels: Broken Links, Geocaching, Mariko, Vid
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Friday, July 11, 2003
Succesful Geo-caching. |4:11 PM|
Videodrome, PortalStar and I went Geocaching yesterday. Damn, what a great hobby, dorky and outdoorsy at the same time. We hunted down a fake bird, and climbed a mininature mountain. We traded trinkets for baubles, and ran into a fellow geocacher. Despite my yells to Videodrome of "Kill him...KIIIILLLL HIM!" There was no bloodshed. Well, besides the insect bites.
Vid has a couple images he's archiving, I'll post some links when he's got them uploaded.
Me looking harried.That thread again with other images. Labels: Broken Links, Geocaching, Pictures
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Thursday, July 10, 2003
Geocaching is the new littering/Homepage |10:32 AM|
I was reading a troll's thread on SA and at some point he said "I'm going Geocaching." I said out loud "What the hell is geocaching?" and the person behind me (kitten, from the AZ trip), said "It's a hobby".
Geocaching Faq I took a look at the website and exclaimed "This is the coolest fucking thing ever". Alright, maybe I cursed a bit more. I showed it to Videodrome and he shared my "This is fucking awesome".
He has now already purchased a GPS unit and has run out on a couple.
Thread on TPL forums Vid managed to walk to directly into a thorn bush while staring at the GPS display. I wonder how many Geocachers have met an unfortunate end at the bottom of a cliff?
"You are 10 meters from target."
"You are 5 meters from target."
"You are 2 meters from target."
"Cool, I'm almost the..AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
I'm so excited to be a part of this.
Labels: Geocaching, Vid
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