Thursday, June 05, 2008
Framing and setting |2:10 AM|
I've got a couple of art projects in the pipe. Big, effing, surprise. Ask me about dyeing paper with tea, and getting shit from a book binder.
I've got a ticket, a cog, and some pictures from a recent camping trip.
I've got a map from Bonnaroo, a couple of photos, but no ticket. Apparently they got chucked after a move, which is a shame. I could almost certainly recreate one if I got some reflective paper, and it would serve the same purpose.
I want to put these items into small frames, and I don't want to pay some jerk with thick scissors for it.
A while back ago I
posted about my knick knacks, mementos, and trophies.
I rarely decorated my walls, it gave me the feeling that I could leave whatever domicile in which I was dwelling more quickly. In reality it just made the place less like home. (That reminds me I need to go get those big framed pictures from Ryan's place) I want to frame some of this stuff up, and build a knick knack case. My previous attempts at carpentry have been very much in my style. I was learning while doing them, the end result is functional but not elegant. Often, my blood is somewhere on it.
My trophy case would probably need to be wall mountable, and I'd need to run wires for internal lamps. I'd want to use glass for the shelves, so each level would be visible. I'd install mirrors at the back wall, in the style of museum cases.
If I had two of the things, I could use one to show off art pieces that I own and that I have created.
I could see this getting very complicated. My project queue is getting awfully full, even though it appears my free time is going to get a lot more constricted.
Labels: Bonnaroo, Burning Camping trip, Expanded
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
School. Stay in school. |9:55 AM|
As I have gone on at length on these subjects to a few people, they can probably yawn and move on from this. For the rest of you, here is my tale.
I was banished to San Antonio recently, sort of. I was sent there for work, to make sure the computers for the job site (as well as the printers and those pox-on-the-maker's houses time clocks).
A job site, meaning, construction site. I now work "in construction". Stay in school, kids!
We're near a convention center, hence the need for the hotel, so there are often streams of people wandering by the site, dressed in band uniforms or 3 piece suits, what have you. When kids, around high school age or so happen to wander by in a group, whilst I yank a time clock off of a wall, cutting my hand on the sharp aluminum, I chirp out "Stay in school, kids!" in as cheerful a fashion as I can. "Some geniuses still end up breathing fumes for a living!"
There is an inversely proportional relationship between the amount of safety gear you wear and the relative prestige of your job. Since I am compelled to wear a hard hat, safety glasses, sometimes ear protection, and steel toed boots, that puts my job prestige rather far down the list. This is in comparison to say, an executive, whose main protective gear would be a particularly sturdy tie pin.
There are exceptions to this rule, one being "Astronaut" which is still quite prestigious, though not as much as the "Right Stuff" days.
However, full
immersion sewer diver has to be mentioned. Christ. I bet the money is great, though.
There are spike pits here. Fireballs, moving platforms, huge pipes. It's a lot like a Super Mario World level. I'll let you guys know if any mushrooms start sliding around.
No flowers, fire or otherwise, grow in this ruined earth.
Labels: exiled, Expanded
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Chickening out |9:37 PM|
Note: At the bottom of this post, there's a picture of the sign I posted with suggestions on naming the chickens. At one point I made a logarithm joke, and someone came by and "solved" it with a pencil. I felt a little clever. That is, until I realized that it was like making a Donnie Darko reference in a room full of nerds, someone chuckling, and you two feeling like you're part of a special club. It ain't all that secret of a movie.
Saturday night, Jimmy, Kamon and I planned on hitting a friend-of-a-friend's "Pajama party". We first met up at Robbie's place, played some Halo 3, and proceeded to go be social. The party was not amazing. On some kind of scale, this was too far into the "Frat-party" color gradient areas. The color gradient being whatever "Hey let's just drink" looks like under a microscope. Fuckin' yawn. We just couldn't find any kind of real conversation beyond bullshit chit chat. Social interaction with zero intellectual stimulus is often pointless. The idea became, "...let's just go play a goddamn video game instead."
So we did.
I got home Sunday morning at around 5am. Waiting for me in the parking lot were 3 chickens.

They walked in a wide circle, flocking, wandering, clucking, and bobbing their heads in the standard issue chicken way.
Where the hell did they come from? There isn't a farm anywhere near my current abode (That I know of). Are there wild chicken clusters, moving in nomadic patterns across the state of Texas?
I walked around with the chickens for a bit, as I found it surreal. Every so often one of them would decide to separate from the group, the other two chickens cocking their head in 9 volt brain confusion, but the loner would always return after a few moments. He/she would return to the micro-flock, and continue the lazy circuit of the parking lot.
I didn't see the chickens for the rest of the day. Sunday afternoon this sign was posted, so I stapled up a response to the right.

This morning, the chickens were back, circling the lot.

Someone later posted this
And here is my
response.Labels: Expanded, JimmyWiFi, Kamon, Pictures
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Beetle |10:17 PM|
This guy following me around, beetle-ish brow furrowed, with a piece of paper limp in his hand like a flaccid, useless dick is beginning to get on my nerves.
That's not exactly tough, since I'm walking around a construction site with a computer on my shoulder, a bunch of broken crap that needs to be fixed, and apparently a massive, possibly cancer-inducing magnetic field to be defeated.
The magnetic field is destroying the monitor I brought down from Austin to install, and I can almost feel my the iron being pulled out of my blood cells. It is present only at the middle of this desk. Move the monitor 2 feet in either direction and the red/green distortion vanishes. What the hell is this desk sitting on? An atomic reactor? A tiny black hole?
"So who, who fills this out? I don't understand." He says, weakly. I can't stand him.
Granted, I'm not exactly being captain confidently-in-charge. I'm still at the stage of employment where I'm not exactly sure of the organizational structure of this place, and I'm not taking a firm stance on who, exactly, his manager is, as I don't want to be caught in a mistake, and besides, shouldn't he know his own boss?
I've been trying to express that I just need him to go take it to whoever the hell his manager is, and have them approve the purchase of a nicer monitor than the one he has now. I myself have a purchasing authority of exactly 0 dollars and 0 cents. Once again I ask who he reports to, and he lists several names. Christ, who is his manager? That's all I care about. Correction: all that I'm supposed to care about. He walks off towards a managers office, and finds it closed, locked, empty. I can see him mill at this roadblock for a moment, turning slowly, like a dog whose water dish has suddenly vanished. Fuckshit McHelpless is once again incapable of acting on his own.
I do not want to be here. I want to go back to Austin, see the college counselor, and stop breathing in this guy's B.O. I can smell it ruining my clothes, despite the alkali dust being kicked up by all the concrete.
The reason I am posting this, really, is as an example of difference in personal initiative. The computer I'm installing is for a foreman (Let's call him Jack) was originally for someone else (Let's call him Joseph), who nobody seemed to know anymore or be able to find, which means that he had been fired. Jack came up to me and asked if he could have a computer. I told him "Have your manager fill out this form, and heck, I'll give you this one". Jack went, found his manager missing, went and found another manager, had them sign off on it, and came back to find me. I installed his computer in a matter of minutes. This is when I found the rip in the space/time continuum that seemed to exist only on the desk of Jack. We stole another man's desk who was on lunch. Let the lazy, food-eater contend with the ball crushing force of Tesla's ghost.
Fuckshit, on the other hand, had made one or two impotent efforts to figure out who in the hell his own boss is, and has once again returned to me.
Labels: exiled, Expanded
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
This is to remind me about the fur vids. |4:12 AM|
I found the goddamn vidcaps of the goddamn furry riot video, plus the pictures, plus some of the shit people made in response. This is from the furcon texas tussle some friends of mine and I started. All a big misunderstanding, really.
Granted, I should have just run those fucks over, as I found out I was allowed to do (but only the next day). At the time I thought I would have been looking at assault charges.
In any case I've got these (Crap quality) videos that are all shot from the hip, so be sure to grab your anti nausea meds. I'm picking through them (They were recovered from a dead hard drive so they're a bit screwed up, as well as mixed in with what appear to be Oblivion saved games). I'll upload them shortly. In the meantime, here's this:
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Going to Vegas |3:10 PM|
Update: Alright, I'm no longer diseased, now I'm waiting for all the photos to be collected. I'm going to type this thing up today, for anyone who is reading that is interested.
Meanwhile, to keep you interested here are some videos. You'll need the Divx codec to watch them, and they're somewhat rough. I learned some more about video compression so I'm getting better at the whole "Rip and Compress" thing, but these were before that.
Jesus_Christ Does the twistG.Grrl pokes a belly, and has Toby follow suitOkay, so I can't speak, I'm dizzy, and the sides of my head hurt a great deal. Doesn't mean I can't type up what occurred in Vegas. Ouch, maybe it can. Ouch. Dammit, my head hurts.
Things to type:
Our dangeorous hotel room
spot lamps
Old Goons I met
AZ goons
That Av guy
-Rico's near murder of me
New goons with whom I hung out
...dammit who am I forgetting?
Lesser Extent:
Happy Fish
The guy that got ripped off by a hooker
That bar
Star Trek/ST movie
The ticket problems.
Labels: Broken Links, Expanded, Goons, Pictures
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Sunday, June 06, 2004
|3:18 PM|
The idea that might make me RICH
The robot that Vid taught to sing
The handholding issue
My damn car.
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Friday, June 04, 2004
Hair, handholding, swords that aren't too phallic. |11:53 AM|
My hair, which was too long 3 weeks ago, ridiculously long a week ago, and job-damaging bad 2 days ago has finally reached a new level. Fashionable rebellion. Instead of looking like I have been neglecting a haircut due to laziness or lack of motivation, my hair has the unkempt-by-choice. How do I know that I have reached this point? The people in the hallway no longer look at me like a bum that sneaked in the door. Women my age with whom I make eye contact no longer look away with a frown, instead they give that half smile of "Oh, I'm not allowed to talk to
Too bad I'm just being a slob.
Correction: I will be probably writing about the whole handholding thing on the next entry.
For those of you looking for a
Gladius, here is one from a respectable sword maker. The gladius is not overtly phallic, is not a hundred goddamn feet long, and still
crushes your enemies, drives them before you, and helps you hear the lamentation of their women.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
|1:48 PM|
I wonder how you can get important news out nowadays. Shouting, perhaps?
I'm purchasing a Celica. I intend to put big scary teeth on it.
Cream Punk, Meme Punk, Dream Punk,
How not to get it. (Helsing reviews)
Linux machine
Zombie Mod
Why blogs and what have you won't replace current news websites in any shape or form.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Some more side notes |9:20 AM|
My idea to set up a service specifically for finding an enemy or possibly an arch nemesis is gaining popularity. I may just contact the okcupid people and ask if I can have all their source code. While I'm at it, I'll ask for the fillings in their teeth, and the women on the front page as my own private dish washers.
Maybe the first "matches" made will be the okcupid guys/gals hating my guts.
There'd have to be some obvious changes to the matching system, since you couldn't just reverse the way people are scored. A good nemesis or arch foe would be an equal in some fashion, someone difficult for you to utterly destroy, otherwise you wouldn't grow as a person. Oh, and it wouldn't be as satisfying.
Anyone can steal a basketball from a couple of grade school kids, dump it in liquid nitrogren and then smash it with a hammer in front of them. It takes real effort to find someone whose whole family needs to be shattered. Without challenges, you just stagnate.
Oh, the possesive form of who is whose, not who's.
UPDATE: I don't know if this pre or post-dates OKcupid's implementing the "Enemy" percentage, a rough estimate of how much you disagree with someone. But if it pre-dates them wow. This update was made 1-26-07
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
|3:21 PM|
The lake house
Mental Capitalism
Meddling in online affairs
putting up a new gallery page with the videos
-Of which, there should be a link to a summary of the "Furry Incident"
Update: I guess that was Will B's lake house?
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Saturday, March 06, 2004
Idle process at play |8:23 AM|
World class learning institution.
After a certain age your brain just shrinks
Connections are built through different disciplines, the chess player who learns the violin, the painter that studies calculus
You're older than you've ever been and now you're even older
Without college you will hit a "glass ceiling"
What have you done today to make it worthwhile?
Sunday depression "What did I do with my free time this weekend?"
Why do I work?
I now have more money in the bank than I have had in a very long time.
I hate L.A.
Where can I go from here?
Updated 1-26-2006: That is what passed through my head in seconds, if I recall correctly.
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