Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Conversations with Vorpal |2:40 PM|
I made Vorpal Bunny a new avatar for his account on a message board. He's gone through a couple name changes. His last one was "Vorpal Bunny X" in reference to "Jason X". His latest one is "Vorpal Vs. Bunny". It has the below avatar:
http://www.terminalpacketloss.com/images/stupid/avas/vorpalvsbunny.gifand the text "Whoever wins, we lose."
I'm proud of the simple animation, as it wasn't quite as simple as flipping stuff around in Photoshop. It had to be under 10 kilobytes, take up a certain amount of space, etc. In fact, you can see where I biffed one of the frames if you look carefully. Unfortunately I only noticed the biffed frame as Vorpal was uploading the image to the board system (thus locking it into place). I still find it hypnotic.
Speaking of Vorpal, I was over at PortalStar's apartment one evening last week, and I had missed a call from him. I called him back:
*Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone...*
Vorpal: Hello?
Cecil: Hey man, I missed a call from you. I was preoccupied.
Vorpal: Were you having sex?
Cecil: No. We were playing Legend of Zelda.
Vorpal: Oh, so you have a euphemism now.
Cecil: No, we were actually playing Zelda.
Vorpal: Uh huh. Well, now you'll have a euphemism when you beat the game.
Cecil: I dunno, the new one is coming out soon, and we're not nearly finished with this one yet.
A sort of similar incident occurred several months ago at Portal's house. Her folks were going out to run errands, which would have left just Portal and me in the house. This Portal had challenged me to a match of James Bond multiplayer, and I was going to kick her butt before I went home. When we told the folks this they gave us a "Suuuuure" sort of look, and told Portal she wasn't allowed to have me over alone.
Despite our insistence that our intentions were innocent (if dorky as hell) I was kicked out of the house.
Dammit, we just wanted to play some Nightfire.
Labels: Broken Links, DerekD, Mariko
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
|10:43 PM|
Those ballbusting shits in I/T finally blocked "Blogger.com". I wonder why it was available so long. Was it because it was being used by someone in I/T? Or was it because Blogger started trying to become a "community" of its own, with profile pictures and interest lists and stupid shit like that? The existence of blogger was that of a publishing tool. The community could arise from that.
But more than likely, it was just some shithead in the group that controls the firewall that decided to pull the plug. Best part of 'em ran down his mothers leg.
Anyhow, this is amusing.
http://www.terminalpacketloss.com/hosted/trek.avi 30 megs or so.
That's Vorpal on the far left, then myself, then Toby to my right (Who does not look like Meatloaf), Deathbear (Who can't hold his liquor) and finally Sulzanti (tastes like Oreos)
Labels: Broken Links, DerekD, Goons, Pictures
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Monday, May 10, 2004
Cost benefit analysis of owning a shotgun |12:48 PM|
Vorpal's brother(D2) and the brother's girlfriend are living in the apartment that Vorpal vacated. Two Fridays ago, D2 heard a loud crash, and when he looked out his window he saw a woman being dragged kicking and screaming to a nearby car. D2 and his girlfriend rushed outside, and said girlfriend proceeded to jump onto the woman to prevent her from being abducted. D2 turned to see the apartment door beneath his had been kicked or otherwise battered in, just as another man exited. This new guy told D2 to "Go back to your apartment." When D2 asked what the hell was going on, the man pulled a gun and repeated "Go back to your apartment". D2 backed off, and his girlfriend had been kicked off the woman, so they retreated to their apartment. They got the car's plate number and called 911.
From what I'm told, the two kidnappers were friends of the woman's estranged ex-husband. Later that weekend said husband shot her, and then himself.
D2's girlfriend impressed the hell out of me, and Vorpal. We have a very good friend in the local police department, and he spoke with the homicide detectives about this whole mess, and they were quoted as saying "That girl had some major balls."
I don't know how to react to this story, and I don't know how it will all work out. D2 and his girlfriend gave their statements at the police station, and I'm sure will be involved in the court case.
I had dismissed the idea of purchasing a gun of any kind in the short term, I just didn't see the cost and risk of it outweighing the potential benefits. While I don't expect anything approaching what happened to D2, if a second gun had been involved, what sort of difference would it have made?
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Friday, April 09, 2004
Vorpal is leaving |1:41 AM|
That friend of mine that I call Vorpal is leaving. Today was his last day of work here in Austin, and he's heading out to run the call center in San Antonio.
I don't know exactly how I feel about that yet. The best I can do is spit out the words that first come to mind, which are "Good for him" and "Goddammit" as well as "Bastard!"
At least he isn't dead, and he isn't moving to another damn state or anything. Still, it'll make grabbing pizza after work a lot harder.
I'm still in favor of short goodbyes. I don't always succeed, but I do often enough to not feel like a maudlin jerk.
This isn't my reaction to him leaving post, this is the post that isn't long enough that will prompt me to write more later. In situations when I can't make snap judgements or react immediately to emotional issues, it takes me a much longer time to put it in order.
Maybe it's just my highly mobile habits, or maybe I don't have the firmest grip on reality, or maybe I don't view these changes as permanent.
Changes plural because Sinclair has also moved out of easily visit range. True, he was already much farther than Vorpal is now going to be, but it's still a drag.
Labels: DerekD, Sinclair, Vorpal
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Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Tech Support Quotes |12:00 AM|
All tech support is better with a lot of cursing.
On the removal of pop-ups and MalWare:
Cecil: You need to get something else, probably "Seek and Destroy" or whatever it's called nowadays.
Tech Support-e: I thought I made them all go away. Oh..
Cecil:The use of multiple applications increases the likelihood of you finding the MalWare some cockramming shit pilot has installed onto your system to fuck with you, your kith, and your kin.
Vorpal: cockramming shit pilot is gold
Cecil: I kind of liked Goddamn shitstabbing fuck grabber
Vorpal: I'm still straining to understand "fuck grabber"
Cecil: I don't understand it myself. It was a nice sounding verb.
Labels: DerekD, Tech Support
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Thursday, December 25, 2003
Wreindeer Games |1:12 AM|
I had to get Vorpal a gift and properly show my appreciation for all his hard work. (Drinking).
So I broke into his pad with a key he'd lent me about a year ago or so. I can't keep my bills paid but I can hold onto a key I don't need but once a year.
His gift is still a suprise because I left the damn thing at Portal's place when I was making the wrench reindeer. I just left him some books he'd left in my car. Merry Fucking Christmas.
Christmas miracle complete, I leave.

Labels: Broken Links, DerekD, Pictures
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