Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Forgetting the lyrics |1:58 AM|
I should be pouring over my oceanography material. I will have very little time to do so before the exam deadline tomorrow of roughly 8pm.

I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of jobs. Heck, for all I know they're reading this very blog.

Getting back into this blog after an uneven period is something I blog about a lot, very meta. But, it does give me a chance to go back, and expand on old drafts (See "Expanded" or "Exiled" topics to see what I've been up to). I also read old comments I missed the first time around, and that can be a big pick-me-up. Some friends commented on my 13 days later post and if I had read them, I didn't remember. Glad to know I'm not fully an asshole. Or, that Pantaloons was still reading this blog.

Here is Ella Fitzgerald forgetting the lyrics to Mack the Knife. I'm not a big fan of Mack the Knife, but hearing her ad lib is so wonderful. Regina Spektor forgot the lyrics a few times at her concert, and it was very cute.

I told Suzy about my less-secret plan, and she asked me if I had an ear for music. I admitted that as of 5-6 years ago, not really, no. I know what sounds good, I can kind of adjust it on a sound board, but ID'ing a G from an F? That's been gone more than half a decade.
She told me that I was doomed. DOOOOOMED.
Eh. I'm thinking about posting on Craigslist:
"Computer tech needs music lessons. Will fix computers, and do yard work. Gutters cleaned, a specialty!"

Remember those cancer research fund raisers, where you'd do a shit-ton of math problems, and people would sponsor you for a dime a problem or something? Maybe I could convince someone to sponsor my time [Paying me in music lessons, maybe a few notes at a time] at the battered women's shelter, teaching people computers, and in exchange they teach me components of the chromatic scale. This is assuming I can get into one of the classes they make you take before you start helping at the battered women's shelter.


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