Thursday, December 13, 2007
Great |2:47 PM|
The menu on the right is functional, but my web host decided that paths defined in PHP require statements shouldn't work anymore.
What does this mean? It means this all was working this morning and then suddenly quit.
I'm on "lunch" at the moment.
At the suggestion of web designer Cass I changed the months to show up as actual names of months, instead of just numbers. Seeing as the menu is pretty hideous, any attempts to make it prettier are welcome.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
B vitamin jack |9:21 PM|
There is a book,
Screw-Jack, that I will always recall. I read it while waiting in a hotel in L.A., which is amusing considering the plot of the book, after The Best E3 Ever.
Dammit, for the life of me I cannot find the pictures from E3. They have to be somewhere, probably on my home machine.
In any case, I have here an energy drink I got for free from the Monster Humvee. They pulled up outside my place of work and were handing them out. Giving a bunch of construction workers massive cans of various stimulants did not strike the I/T department (me) as a great idea.
I will now consume this energy drink and see just how much I can accomplish this evening. The job list is mostly blog related, implementing the new archive menu, and finish typing up the last 3 months of entries.
It is 10:28, let us pray that cobalamin is not total bullshit.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Defined |8:35 PM|
It occurs to me that my life is currently defined by a drive. On one side of the drive I am happy and social. On the other I must force compulsion to improve myself as a person. Pushups, studying PHP, reading, etc.
The drive is not a lesson. The drive is not important. Early on during this San Antonio situation, Naked Empire had a show at the Red Eyed Fly. I was more than happy to drive my ass down there to see them play, it was important. Chris made a point of thanking me for coming down.

Back then, it was still a struggle. Now it's just this thing I do that I dislike. It burns up my car, it eats up time, and it runs about $15-20 in gasoline.
While I'm glad that I can go back to Austin with some regularity, it somehow makes this experience feel more trivial. I didn't go on some grand adventure. I just went to a crappy town and I go back to the fun one as much as I can. If I had been sent to the Cancun site, or hell, the Phoenix construction site, that'd be something. I'd have a reason to meet new people. The city, the sights, would be new.
Here, I just go back to the hotel room or go run or try to work out. Anything like the zoo or Seaworld would be a weekend thing, and I use my weekends to go home.
I guess I should invite people down here one Saturday. I mean, I've got a hotel room with several beds, and I ain't really using them.
It's such a minor concern in the big scheme of things, it isn't something I'll be able to brag about accomplishing, and it doesn't improve me as a person, I guess that's my problem.
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