Saturday, June 23, 2007
Interviewed, phone calls |2:18 AM|
I nailed that interview yesterday. and at the time I thought that I was totally getting the offer, unless the Jesus Christ of IT was the next interview.
Today I got the call, and the offer, I guess Jesus was busy. I just need to pass a drug screening and a background check. I know the drug screen will be clean, but I felt this irrational fear that something stupid would show up on the background check. I jumped onto the Travis County Clerk's office to make sure I didn't have any warrants. Nothing under "Hinman", wow, that even means my cousin isn't being chased for once. That's a nice change.
In any case, seeing as I am out of money, this offer comes at an excellent time.
COBRA ain't kickin' in for a while. If I miss these dosages, I go nuts or my skin blows off.
How the heck am I going to afford these pills? Does anyone I know take this stuff?

Oh! Thank goodness, someone I know was taking these and doesn't need 'em anymore. Now let's see here, I'm on 200 milligrams and these are...

5. 5 milligram pills. Let me get the calculator. Oh. That's...that's like 40 pills.
Eh, it's better than blowing the last of my dough. I'll just need a bigger cup of water.
In other news I'm trying to get in touch with a woman to tell her some pretty depressing as hell news. The thing is, she has no idea who I am, and I'm not just going to leave the message on an answering machine. Since I got only the voicemail, the message I left was a wee bit awkward: "Hi there, this is Brendan Hinman, you don't know me but if you could please call me I'd appreciate it..."
I did manage to keep the "uh"'s and "ummm"'s out of there, but it was still awkward.
If I got that message, I'd only call them back out of pure curiosity, but I would assume a lot of people would just say "Huh?" and go back to their lives.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Post Modern Faked Orgasm |3:15 PM|
Mariko: "Equaly suggestie is the status of those 'live' characters in Disneyworld. They realise the fictional in their costumes. Yet their realisation is doubly fictional and they are less real as presences than their mythic and filmic absences. Berleant interprets such a Disneywold as a parody of post-modernism, although that does seeem to miss the point that post-modernism is already pasiche.
Mariko: I've been reading 300 pages of this sort of thing.
Mariko: my head hurts.
Brendan: Oh man
I'm sorry, But that's hysterical.
Mariko: it is. but my head hurts. kind of makes you revise your furry post-modern thoughts. fake sex as a fake fake
how many fakes does it take to get to orgasm?
(for a furry)
in postmodernism?
spin the wheel.
Brendan: Wow, There's so many levels
What if they're faking it?
Mariko: like, they're not really?
oww. that's like being john malkovich, the furry edition
this is going to make it into your blog, isn't it?
Brendan: Yeah
Brendan: I wish I was back in school, thinking big thoughts. About people in suits being Disney characters.
Mariko: oh, its important stuff
Brendan: What if the internal A/C breaks? Is that some sort of comment on Hell is being other Characters?
Mariko: hah, dunno.
Mariko: also, the deconstruction of fashion in relation to postmodernism
the "cut" as the essential part of the garment and also, chaos theory in management
when you start learning this much about the structure of education, everyone starts to sound like they're thinking especially hard about things that are dumb.
Mariko: and then other academians calling them dumb, but not sure who or what to condemn because of the rapid changing of definitions
its seems like things eventually trickle down to semantics, doesn't it?
ugh. back to reading.
Mariko: The category of nakedness, far from being prior, could only follow that of clothes. Did not clothing invent nakedness, just as writing preceded speech. (the idea of the existence of a thing being defined by its opposition)
Brendan: Oh wow. That's very much like ancient people's defining zero, eh?
Mariko: I suppose.
Labels: goddamn chatlogs, Mariko
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Bonnaroo Time Line |6:23 PM|
Alright this ain't done. Here's a link to the gallery or you can wait and read a better explanation of most of the images as it is written here. 10-11am - They gave us a jeep and not a minivan
11:00am-3pm Loaded up the jeep Cass Packs delays due to my being forgetful and our worries about the stuff strapped to the roof
4:00 -> ~4pm Thursday Chris ride Jimmy Ride Smile
Cass started the drive, 85 miles an hour a lot of scenery: Barge Chris again
The car was uncomfortable naturally, but being now almost filled with luggage it was officially "cramped" pulled about 5.5 to 6 hours of driving duty Took over while I tried to sleep off "All caffeine and no water make brendan crazy" right after he took another leak the
ONLY BAPTIST CHURCHWe continued to ride: we waited in line for about 4 hours or so
waited in line for about 4 hours or so
We finally started
camp at about...5? 6pm?
enthusiasm was high.
At last year's Bonnaroo Chriss, Cass, Kamon, and Jimmy had all been miserably hot, and the tent has been nearly uninhabitable. This year we tried just a giant canopy and tethered sheets to the sides.
Direc was really a palace by shelter standards Levity need to learn how to tie some knots TENT
Relaxation followed by a
More walk caught Louis Black and Friends then hung out to see what sort of late night fun could be found YEAH JIMMY had goofy head wear save me. My bandanna was odd but it wasn't bizarre enough
On Thursday I had become separated from the rest of the group, and since their cellphones weren't working I had no way to contact them, not place to meet them. So I started wandering in the way I was hoping they'd wander to find me. When "The Crystal Method" began playing on a P.A. system I knew one of our party would head towards it. I did manage to spot Chris from a fair distance because of his hat. He'd taken off wandering in an attempt to find me.
After that I decided it was time for me to find some horrible green head covering. It took some time on Friday, including what my friends thought was a ridiculous detour, but I prevailed. Sort of. material was thin, and cheap, and non-absorbent. I paid for the rag as they handed it to me and the moment I had pulled it from the plastic I thought "Oh dammit I've been fucked." $5 was about 350% too much for this hideous thing (in the real world that is), but it served its purpose.
After that we saw The Brazilian Girls whom I'd never heard before then.
We went and listened to the preaching of The Nightwatchman next.
Then Manu Chao Radio Bemba Sound System. That was a truly entertaining show. I couldn't understand a single thing they said (It was in Spanish, I believe) but it was still a blast and it compelled you to dance.
We had listened briefly to Lily Allen on our way over to the Manu Chao show, and she sounded really interesting. She is talented vocally, but upon listening to her album we all found her lyrics to be sorely lacking.
On the main stage that evening was Tool, who put on a hell of a show, at ear-destroying volume. I'm surprised I couldn't see the actual vibrations through the air from those monstrous speakers. The big video displays were showing imagery and videos in the tool visual styles. Creepy shit, I wonder if it's the same crew making those videos or if they have to change them out every so often.
Chris and Cass hit the hay, Jimmy and I tried to locate trouble of some kind. What Jimmy located was "fatigue" and "Cold"
I tried out the Silent Disco.
The String Cheese incident didn't really grab our attention, so I can't give an honest appraisal of their show.
The next day's initial highlight was Regina Effin' Spektor. had a truly cute and endearing stage personality, she fumbled the words for her songs a couple times and laughed it off. She played a guitar that she said she "Sucked" at, it was a great deal of fun. There are several more images from her concert in the gallery, and Cass took a video when she started singing
après moi*.
I'd been wanting to see her in concert ever since Cass introduced me to her music several months back, and her show did not disappoint. I even waited in a line that was of
epic scale* to get her signature on a CD.
After we met back up with Chris and Jimmy we hit the Ween concert, which was enjoyable even if we were pretty damn far from the stage.
We then ran into this ridiculous group of
Every time a song would finish, the cheer would go up "One more song!"
women on stilts were beginning to show a great deal of fatigue, and occasionally would just flat out stop moving around.
We did our
best to
keep up.
Went to the Police concert
Girl TalkSaw a
glass blowerWe waited in line for
2 hours just to get stopped just short of the door to the comedy tent. We had to wait another 90 minutes to get in.
The decemberistsGooood bye!Labels: Cass, ChrisH, JimmyWiFi, Music, Pictures, Travel
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