Saturday, May 26, 2007
Wallet Rifling |11:59 PM|
This morning I forced myself to get up and run, then I lifted weights, and then I did a bunch of stomach crunches and push ups. I beat the fuck out of myself, especially that stupid fucking toe that doesn't want to get with the program.
Then it was off to the shooting range with Ryan, and it was then that the woman out of D.C. called.
As I may or may not have mentioned, I found a wallet the other day. ChrisH and I had been walking back to his office from Mongolian Grill (I had plenty of free time, who'd have thought) and because I took this walk, I found this woman's wallet.
Me: Some woman was fortunate that I walked with back to your office, dude. Found her wallet on the way back, money intact.
Me: She can thank your choice of careers, since clearly you were thinking ahead.
ChrisH: this was my purpose
ChrisH: I can quit now
ChrisH: thanks
Anyhow, I tried to contact some of the people on business cards she had in the wallet, and they could not get in touch with her. Since I now had to rifle through her wallet I found a few things, like the fist full of credit cards and some dough, oh, and the thousand-fucking-dollar cashier's check.
Luckily with information from the wallet, Wonderlust was able to track down the woman's gmail account.
While I don't expect a reward for this sort of action, dinner would be nice.
Following all of this was a party over at Jason's, and my cognitive functions were beginning to fall down. I had a good time mostly listening, as I didn't want to say anything intensely fucking stupid. Lit a few cigarettes, let the techs-in-fields-not-my-own Grok it up, and ate chips.
Labels: ChrisH, Wonderlust
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
This game is currently unavailable bug in Half Life 2 Capture the flag (HL2CTF) |4:37 PM|
While this is not a game troubleshooting blog by any means, I've been running into that damn Steam Error of This game is currently unavailable please try again at another time whenever I tried to launch Half Life 2 Capture the flag. I tried deleting the .blob files, I re-installed the mod, I re-installed Steam, blah blah I read a bunch of different forums, and then other mod forums, other troubleshooting sites, blah blah started combining different solutions that I read.
My solution ended up being this:
Use the "Create a shortcut" on your desktop. Open up the properties, name it something (HL2CTF is what I used).
Now I had deleted my ClientRegistry.blob before all of this (to no avail) so it's possible you'll want to take that step as well.
Pretty simple, but it doesn't make any real sense, but it works.
The reason I'm posting this is that Google hasn't crawled this blog lately, and it may soon, and if this page comes up when someone searches for this sort of error I hope my page helps them out. From the dearth of players on the servers, either this game has gone down the tubes (possible) or a lot of people are having this issue (less likely), and google hasn't crawled enough solution pages.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I went to bed at 9:45 and all I got was this lousy insomnia |3:03 AM|

The sky opened and I wanted to greet it
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Monday, May 21, 2007
Lies and Damned amusing lies |2:24 AM|
Did I already link to this? lies, but based partially on truth.
Clarification on one lie: She wasn't 17, I wasn't going to go fuck her. Sheesh.
The rest, take them as you will
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