Friday, March 30, 2007
Where does the music go, when you burn the tape? |5:00 PM|
Flash flood warnings were quite fashionable today. I was watching the local radar animation, while wondering if the cardboard armor I'd fashioned for my Celica was going to be sufficient to hold back the 2-3 inch hailstones that had been falling in nearby counties. I had built the best protection cardboard boxes and packing tape technology could bring forth.
On the animation, I watched the clouds move up towards my area, and as always I thought "I can almost predict the shape it's going to take and where it's going to move..." and then I realize I can't because it's the fucking clouds. God doesn't even know what shape it'll take. In any case, as the clouds moved northward, a couple of the smaller counties went red, showing flash flood warning, but once the storm reached Austin and Travis county went red, all the other nearby counties had to join in, this sudden red tidal wave. It was like the new fashion was shown in Paris and now everyone had to change their outfits.
Or maybe, the meterologist who decides what's a flash flood warning and what's not lives in Austin, and he heard reports of bad shit happening south of here, and blew them off. Then the storm actually reached Austin and the hail dented his car, and flipped out "Oh shit! Hit all the big switches marked 'FLASH FLOOOOD'"!
Anyhow, stupid thoughts about the weather aside, I bring this up because of
Geocaching*. How often are the caches lost or damaged by floods? Then the guy that planted this cache doesn't have the cache anymore, he just has a location. A set of coordinates to a set of rocks that used to be meaningless, was for a while the site of his part of a larger game. Now, outside of his/her memory and a website these numbers have returned to a meaningless set of coordinates.
Not to be morbid, but how many times have people out there died, but their geocaches continued on? Now I know there will always be bits and pieces of someone's digital life online, messages in archives, website postings, etc. There's at least one website that keeps track of myspace pages of people who have died, their profile pages frozen in whatever state of lame-ass that they were at the moment the person ceased to be. But a geocache, that's an impact on the physical world. How many people will go, find the cache, sign the log, never knowing that it was now a ZOMBIE CAAAACHE?
The logbook would fill up, the crappy souveniers no one wants would pile up. If it's a nice container, it could stay there for decades.
That is, unless a flash flood sweeps it away, and it just becomes junk, the numbers again meaningless. Hopefully someone else would figure out what was going on, and put that set of numbers and a box to good use.
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Fuck |5:22 PM|
I kind of suck, entertaining writing wise, lately. More needs to happen around 'ere for me to write about, besides bitching. It's turning really emo-kid in here.
Here's a
cheap laugh.And in case you didn't see the pictures from the BBQ, here are some
youthful victims.If you happen to watch Metalocalypse, then you may enjoy an animation of a
clown being beaten.
And here's the "Technical Difficulties" image from the movie crew:
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Cats |11:50 PM|
Went out to the animal shelter today, to look at
some cats.
There were some great felines, like this
Regal guy.
This one, May, was the
friendliest of them.
I grabbed the
info for a couple of the cats. Now all I have to do is convince my future roommate to let me have a cat.
Maybe I can bribe him with one of
these. Yeah, right, and then I'll buy a plane.
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Memory Stick Blues |12:59 PM|
Yesterday I was attempting to install Windows XP onto a memory stick and ZZZZZZ SNOORE booooring. Stick with me here.
Installing windows on memory stick is fairly tricky, there's the disk format and the boot sector and a bunch of other esoteric crap that descriptions of are not pertinent.
What was driving me crazy was how nothing was consistent, at all.
I'd follow the procedure to the letter, reformat the memory stick, use the utilities, and then hope I'd see this:

Or, later on, this:

But what I usually saw was this:

Every. Damn. Time.
Oh, sorry, sometimes I'd be met with just a black screen that said
BOOT ERRORThanks guys. This carried on through out the day. I'd make a change during a break in work, reload the stick, and then....

What if I inject new mass storage drivers?
BOOT ERRORShit. Okay, what about changing the file system?

Alright, what about....THIS

FUCK. Howabout THAT

Okay, I'll totally rebuild the image from a non OEM disk


I think I'm beginning to see shit. Alright, I'll totally rebuild the image, inject the drivers, change out the file system aaaand:

Alright. I'll do exactly the same thing I did in the first step.

I took the memory stick over to a friend's house to have it wiped and its contents replaced with graphic art tutorials. Screw I.T. I'm going to go make pretty pretty pictures for a living.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The previous week |1:32 AM|
Monday was utter crap last week. utter, utter crap. The A/C was still screwed up, I believe and my foot was killing me.
Tuesday the A/C was fixed but my foot was still keeping me awake at night. That's a blast. As of monday I hadn't had a proper night's sleep in about a week or so, and for me that's 6 hours.
Cass's cat is still missing, dammit. Stupid cat. Nothing like a pet running off to ruin every day for you.
About monday at noon is when all that lack of sleep really caught up with me, repairs were taking forever at work, and the main thing on my mind was staple gun-ing the webbing on my hand to distract me from my foot.
I was going to videotape it.
I decided against it on grounds that it was stupid.
Tuesday wasn't much
better*. At least I was able to get a little bit more sleep.
Wednesday I decided this mood was total bullshit, and when I got home I changed, and ran as far and as fast as I could, full out sprinting like I used to back, geez, a decade ago. I ran until I couldn't breathe, and my legs were wobbly, forcing myself to go a bit further.
I wandered back to my place, barely able to walk. I felt somewhat emo.
I showered, and I shaved for the first time in days, un-mussed my hair, found some nice clothes and stopped being a bitching slug.
Thursday I went over to investigate why Chris's goddamn NAT was (goddamn it) slowing down again, this time bringing a really hefty replacement.
It was confusing me, that the netgear box had worked for a week, then slowed to a crawl. Turns out someone, after this first week, had left some unthrottled torrents going. I wanted the "AI AI AI" part of the theme to "The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly" to play as I made a dismissive hand gesture.
Friday was prep for the barbeque, I think. Some of the prep at least.
Saturday was the BBQ. I would have liked it to be a bit more social, the primary activity ended up being
watching Metalocolypse. Eh, I'll take care of the next party agenda. This time I was a little busy running the kitchen, chopping onions etc.
Sunday I saw "
The Host" which was damned good, if very depressing.
That was my week, as much as I can remember.
Labels: Pictures
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Paint. |11:37 PM|
Wonderlust: This, is a man, who has put his bipolarity to good use
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