Sunday, February 04, 2007
The hottest fucking sauce |11:36 PM|
Before you watch the movie I posted below, you should understand that nowadays, (as in, the last 9 years) I'm a total sissy when it comes to spicy food. Which is often annoying, but I deal with it.
The stuff I taste here, the "Hottest Fucking Sauce" is made out of some weird pepper that grows in Scotland. Its label is all warnings berating you for being stupid enough to taste it.
It did in fact, kick my sorry ass. You can tell that I'm pretty tired, because I'm repeating myself more than usual at the beginning. I tried to stop drinking milk and then speak, it would start burning again. Notice how I didn't get all of the hot sauce off the first time, so I had to re-lick my finger.
Labels: Entropy
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