Friday, January 26, 2007
Employee of the year |6:23 PM|
Guess who won employee of the year? Hint, it's me. Holy shit.
Yeah, I was shocked as well.
GODDAMN I love this job.
I even got to give a speech, which was well received.
Labels: Work
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Labels |5:32 AM|
The new blogger supports labels, which are neat. I went through some old posts, back to 4/18/03 (Kind of haphazardly) and tried to ad good labels to them.
Sadly, any "Pictures" related post that is more than a couple of years old is also going to be in the "Broken Links" category, until I get around to fixing them. Which I do actually intend to do, for as many as possible.
By no means are the labels perfect, or complete.
Labels: Site Status
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Like I promised |1:28 AM|
A long, long time ago I attended E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Many tales were created and I committed numerous fuck ups.
But I did get to meet a guy for the first time, whose handle was/is TengenNewsEditor

Tengen, if I recall correctly, dated artfag for a while, a woman with whom I have a history. In any case the point of this post isn't so much about that, as it is about how we've changed in appearance over the years since.
Tengen Back then:

Tengen Now:

Me back then:

Me now

Tengen Back then:

Tengen Now:

Me then:

Me now (With hair that is too, too long. What the hell, hair?)

Labels: Pictures, TengenNewsEditor
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
|8:38 AM|
This is a test of the new blogger posting system.
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