Saturday, December 02, 2006
Thrown that...whatever |4:13 PM|
Here's video of me catching a damn boomerang. It figures that the day I decide to go get video proof of it, I can't find my belt and the wind sucks.
Throw it downLabels: Pictures
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Some of the people I met |7:37 AM|
This is by no means a perfect, or even good map of my social circles. These are just some folks I've run into most recently, and maybe a couple related to them. If you want me to write something trivial about you and you're not this list, fucking email me. Since I keep changing the order down this list don't fucking assume anything about your importance to me. I am tired and will write more later.
I met Mariko online. First meeting in "real life" was at a Barnes and Noble, she wanted to meet me but she wasn't taking risks. Deal was, we'd both be in the store, and try to find one another. That gave her the chance to check me out at a distance, make sure I wasn't carrying an axe, intent on murdering her. It worked out, wonderfully. 3.75 years together, stable and happy, the most stable and happy I've ever been. She taught me about art and perception and how to be a better guy. Now she's in grad school and the day after she left I spent in bed, waiting to feel better. Luckily I got out before I starved to death.
I met Nathan online. He became friends with me to get closer to a girl. He admitted this, years later, but we became good pals, and still are. He has a writing problem (the problem being that it tortures him, and he really should write more), and a hobby drinking. I intend to punish him for drinking, one way or another.
I met Derek at CompUSA. He'd left a luggage store under less-than-friendly circumstances, was the 4th guy in the real Star wars: Phantom Menace line, started at Comp soon after (it was in the same mall as the movie theater, so for his interview he had someone hold his spot, and walked over.) Derek is married, and has a kid, which makes me question a lot of things.
I met Joe and Tara through Derek: One evening Derek, who I was getting to know but didn't know all that well proposes that I stay late at Comp, past when the buses were running*, and I'd cover his shift. In exchange, he got me a ride to his birthday party, where I met a couple that were happy to show off new piercings. Joe and Tara's place was where I once, by walking into a room at the wrong goddamn time*2, caught an accidental backswing of a riding crop, in my face.
*since I had to run about a 1/4 to a 1/2 mile to get to the fucking bus stop, on some nights I would have broken one of my own fingers if it had meant I'd get a ride somewhere, anywhere else.
*2 No one was fucking, they were just hitting someone.
I met JoshG through Joe and Tara, as well as Eric (Poker game). He (Josh) suggested I read 100 years of solitude while we looked in a neighbor's yard for fire wood that wasn't soaked in creosote for a fire I'd started in a pipe at a house called "rowdy town" whose phone number was (by total coincidence) 454-ROCK. Josh is succeeding at a lot of things, he is also talented on movie and TV sets. Josh writes.
I met Cass through friends and online fixing a car. Her friend had fucked up trying to jump start it, and I told her how I was damned good at the simple fixes on cars. I get there and I figure out that Tom had tried to jump the car by attaching the ground cable to the springs for the hood and got that car running instantly. I remember I had some ulterior motive for jumping that car, involving someone else, besides meeting Cass. Don't recall. Nothing gets past Cass. Not a fucking thing.
Chris through Cass. The second or third time I met him was at some restaurant, and I'd heard that he thought I was one of the funniest motherfuckers on earth, and that I had successfully combined physical and mental comedy. The third time or so is when I went to a lot of trouble to steal electricity, breaking into access boxes, knocking on doors with a cable in one hand, etc. Chris is stronger than I am, possibly. I keep meaning to find out.
Jimmy, Jeff, Kamon, that circle was all through Chris and Cass
I met Will at TW and Rissa through Nikki, Thomas who I met at Time Warner
I met Epstein and JohnL at LFA
I met Karla through SG on SA. Karla and I first interacted mostly through the exchange of .mp3's and various movie clips. I taught her how to nearly pass out by breathing deeply 20 times and having someone press on your sternum. I do know that she's awesome and married to JP, who is also awesome.
I met Sinclair/Sarah at the movie theater. I met JP and Puttick through Sinclair
Sinclair is one of the few people who can beat me at videogames, and air hockey. Sarah digs stuff up that was trying very hard to vanish.
I am tired and will write more later.
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
On shirt sales |7:10 AM|
Dude I think these shirts are a goddamn albatross around my neck for some past or future sin.
I'm going to take this to the street, where it happens, where it goes down.
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