Wednesday, November 08, 2006
This is an attempt |7:55 PM|
I am trying to use SITE FEEEEEDS. BEHOLD!

Edit: An easier way to do this is to log into Gmail, hit the "settings" button, hit the webclips page, and then paste into the "Search by topic or URL" box on the left side,
This link. That should make updates to my site appear in the clips right above your inbox listing, if you so desire. No obligation, cancel anytime.
Here's the best bet, seeing as I know a few of you don't use .rss aggregators or anything like that. I do know a lot of you use gmail. Have you made your custom Google homepage? If not, I strongly suggest it, as it can be useful if you want to know what the weather forecast is like without going outside. In any case, if you have a Google home page, click that link there that says "Add to Google" so anytime you hit that homepage and I happened to have updated, you'll know. In case, of course, this interests you in the slightest.
I want to stop using this Iframe, I think. The damn URL's always open inside of it. I bet I could use some Cascading Style Sheets, or other formatting tools with which I am only sort-of familiar. Like those people you only run into at other friend's parties. You're on good terms with them, but neither of you bother to remember the other guy/gal's name.
Also, while we're at it:
Dammit google, you removed the customizable site search.
Edit: Added "Without going outside" as I originally intended.
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Take that GOP fuck-o's |7:44 PM|
I don't care if the Dems raise taxes, try and fail to fix medicaire, the minimum wage, or spend all of their time blowing each other. I don't even care that they're Democrats. They aren't lying, cheating, child molesting, war mongering, oil company fellating, deficit spending, re-districting, vote suppressing mother fuckers. At least, not as many of them are, compared to the GOP.
Too bad Lieberman won, that sorry sack of shit needs to open a back door to an election in which he elects to be brain damaged.
Wonderlust: everybody has to start the rumor now that Allen totally fucking outrageously cheated.
Myself: Robo calls, calling individual voters, shooting people, bribing heroin addicts with a fix, importing large numbers of nazis on land trains, travelling back in time to vote more often...just keep going more and more absurd. From shit we know they did to shit they would do if they could.
Wonderlust: saying shit like, "what I want you to do is canvass the black neighborhoods and tell them they cannot vote"
Wonderlust: So when they certify results on the 27th and they file the recount the judge can just be like, "Son, I know you cheated. So adjourned."
End of goddamn chat log of the sort I post too often.
Allen better fucking lose. That racist, pigfucking shit head wannabe good old boy had better earn some extra time to look up new and interesting racial slurs.
Cursing fits this election really well, I think.
Labels: Politics, Wonderlust
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Save everyone some time |7:12 PM|
A headline from Gmail webclips: ZDNet News - Front Door - Nvidia rolls out speedy 3D graphics hardware
My reaction: DUH.
What a fucking shocker. Major videocard chip maker makes faster video hardware. What else would they be doing? PCworld and their brethren should just have articles that say "Yawn." or "Duh."
A better idea? A code, with a handy lookup table.
Example: A9 b3 G15
That would be "Microsoft reacts to latest security holes."
If I worked for Nvidia, one of the product launches would be a tasty sandwhich. It would be a perfectly engineered sandwhich, which could be upgraded with a pickle. The bread dimensions would have been tested on an array of the most powerful computers on Earth. It would be determined that it is optimal that the sandwhich is broken down for shipping to work, so that the bread does not become soggy before lunch.
That'd be a headline. Just the reactions of the tech news publications would be enough.
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