Friday, March 31, 2006
Placeholder |4:13 PM|
I keep wanting to post about the wedding and the zoo, but there's so many damn images from both I'm having a hard time putting them into some kind of logical order.
Speaking of images:

I'm always amused by that image. It's on MSN's front page today, and I've seen other, larger versions elsewhere. "Woman Peeking" and "Woman peeking cubicle" on Google's image search only bring back a few wrong images and the suggestion "Did you mean women peeing?"
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Vigilante-ish |6:59 PM|
Right now, I should be placing phone calls to a variety of schools and school districts in an attempt to get a woman fired/sued/arrested. She routinely provides booze to her 16-18 year old students, sleeps with them, and has links to pictures of them on her myspace account with comments like "Hots".
You can view it if you want
http://viewmorepics.myspace dot com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=15872272&imageID=199667520
Just delete the " dot " and replace it with a .
Do me a favor and don't send her a message saying "Hey, a guy is trying to get the fuzz on you." I'm not worried about repercussions, I'm worried that she might start deleting things from online.
I should say "more things from online" because she's already deleted the livejournal entries in which she talks about sleeping with a student, and then claiming to be pregnant. Oh, and then she fakes a miscarriage.
Unfortunately, she has yet to sign a piece of paper that GeekyGirl needs to finish divorcing her (the teacher) from Toby. A bunch of extra legal problems would slow that process down, so I'm supposed to wait.
Also, Geeky just found out that the teacher has been fired for "Inappropriate Contact with students" or the like. Dammit.
Now I have to wait to see how this all pans out before I can start making calls.
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Updates Forthcoming |1:45 PM|
Alright, I was offline all of this past weekend at Vorpal's wedding.
Christ, he's married. That's such a staggering bit of info that I have to hesitate when I type it, to make sure I'm not spelling it incorrectly.
I will be sure to document the weekend, the zoo, the blown semi-viscous coupling in my car, and of course, too many damn photographs.
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