Thursday, July 28, 2005
Apologies |8:49 PM|
A lot of my posts have been transcripts lately. Sorry. I'll get right back on the ball.
I will have to say though that being unemployed is like a depressing vacation. Like going to Disneyworld after the apocolypse.
Speaking of trips, I took several people out to go look at this bizzare tower in the woods. Unfortunately, it appears to have been torn down to make way for condos.

If this was a Stephen King story, that'd be the end of the world.
Labels: Geocaching
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Conversations of Note |8:37 PM|
Nathan first of all, tom cruise is OLD. I mean the fucker is old.
Nathan he is only like 42 but he looks 55
Me It's the evil eggs the scientologists filled him with
Nathan he needs to start playing stodgy war hero roles like harrison ford does.
Me I'm just waiting for them to burst on camera and all these little L-rons to pour out of his body.
Me Wriggling and crawling all over him like evil salamanders.
Nathan that is the best image you have ever given me
In the car with my girlfriend:
Her:That chick you promised to marry if you weren't already married, how old were you going to be?
Me: The first one? Leah? 40. To Bits, 39.
Her: Okay, can I have 35?
Me: Sure.
A short pause.Me: I feel like eBay. Don't look at me like that.
her: Are you going to tell the other girls about this?
Me: No. I'm not going to send out email notifications to these women "Sorry! You've been outbid!"
Phone conversation with my girlfriend:
Her: Are you cleaning?
Me: I'm trying, it's nauseating in here with this broken disposal.
Her: You could clean your room.
Me:(Clutching a handful of broken down fire crackers) I'm going to use explosives on the sink.
Her: Don't.
Her:That was easy.
Labels: Mariko, Wonderlust
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