Friday, March 04, 2005
Unexpected, Involuntary car modifications. |11:22 PM|
Ah, my glorious 2002 Celica GT.

It was suddenly modified the other day.
I was driving down the road, and I take a turn off of a ramp, I was hemmed in on one side by a car and a wall on the other. This is important to note, because I couldn't swerve. Just ahead, I see a black object in the road, lined up perfectly with one of my wheels. It looked like half of a plastic license plate holder, so I wasn't too worried about my inability to miss it. But when my tire hit it I heard a distinctly metallic CLANK CLANK GRIND
I think.
"There goes something on my undercarriage"
I continue driving for a minute or two, and nothing seems to be wrong with the car. Steering, suspension, ok, I also performed the highly scientific "look behind the car to check if anything seems to be leaking out onto the road". Looks good. I continue on my merry way to my girlfriend's place.
Near my destination, I hit a bit of a dip in the road and hear a similar GRIND GRIND GRIND.
"FUCK. One of my shocks is fucked!"
I park, get out, and begin a visual inspection of all 4 tires. Nothing. I look under the car on the driver's side. Nothing. I look under the car on the passen...what the FUCK is THAT?

That, that is a crowbar. Lodged in my car.
I managed to pull it out, with some effort. It had lodged itself in the rubber/plastic seal at the bottom of the door. I suppose I'm damn lucky it didn't veer in its flight path and hit, oh, I dunno, the oil pan, or the self-destruct button I put in last week.

Anyone else get things lodged in their car? It doesn't count if it was a homeless guy you left to die in your garage.
Labels: Crowbars, Entropy, Pictures
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Woo ha. |10:21 AM|
People that refer to employees as "resources" are goddamn cowards. If you're firing people, or using people, then say so.
This is not to say that hiring, firing, using, and distributing people like you would office chairs is wrong. Just that having to use a different word reduces the legitimacy of said actions.
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