Monday, January 31, 2005
Arrrrrrrg. Arrrrrg. School. Arrrrg. |5:22 PM|
I signed up for a creative writing class at the university extension program, and I was sent an email saying "Oh hey you need some pre-reqs there, son.".
To which I reply "Alright, can you sign me up for a different class entirely? This one here, with no pre-reqs at all?"
They say "Sure!"
I get some confirmation emails, and then I start getting emails from the professor, one of which was specifying that the first class was cancelled.
That was last week.While trying to figure out why they kept saying "Monday" when this class was supposed to be on Tuesday, I realized that I was getting emails from the instructor of the original, creative writing class, not the second class.
I just emailed the registration drone and asked them a couple questions, like "What the fuck?"
To be totally honest, I should have figured out something was up when the teacher wanted us to bring a picture that told a story. I just chalked it up to the instructor being weird.
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