Tuesday, November 16, 2004
WARNING: This conversation is rated as lethally boring |1:56 PM|
Right, I'm sitting here, trying to figure out with Calfee how I can find $20 to pay for Effexor so I stop being crazy.
Calfee and I determined that our bank accounts read $1.10 and $1.43 available, respectively. This is despite each of us having thousands of dollars coming our way via check and deposit.
Well, I didn't find a solution, but I bought a cupcake with some of my last cash, so I'm less...whatever kind of full tilt boogie crazy I am right now.

While Calfee is sitting here, I get a call from a tech in Nashville, and he's got an issue, I now cut to the middle of that conversation.

Tech: So they were getting a 900 error, and I swapped the RIP board, and now it's a 980 Engine Control Error. I swapped it back for the first board, back to the 900. I've only got one board.

Me: Check the queue, is there a PDF in there?

Tech: Yeah, it's hung up in there.

Me: Bingo, the PDF's will cause those flat 900 errors sometimes.

Tech: You mean they'll freeze up the 2455 rasterization process?

Me: Absolutely, I clear 'em out all the time instead of changing boards. 9 times out of ten it's a corrupt PDF.

Tech: Alright, then I've got to track some people down.

Christ, it sounded like made up military jargon conversations you hear in movies. Had it been about guns, that would have been interesting. But because it's about printers... GAAAAAH

I'm so glad I have this cupcake. It understands.


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Monday, November 15, 2004
|1:42 PM|
Is anyone still having problems with the comment system? No, this is not a blatant fish for comments, so if you haven't had issues, don't worry about metaphorically taggin' this posts metaphoric alley wall.

Those of you with issues, please be so kind as to open up a non-alternative browser (ick) and drop me a line.

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|11:12 AM|
The spider people wrote me back. They're going to interview me by phone, and if I qualify, they will then put spiders on face.

3 sessions, and they claim I might experience a reduction in my phobia. Since my phobia is strangely...hostile I wonder if I'll qualify.

Speaking of odd creatures, my damn loaches ate one of my fish. It was sick, and they probably waited until it was dead, but they hid it under a rock. I had to go dig it up to give it a proper "burial". They were just doing their job, they are scavengers.

This weekend didn't have a true highlight. Joe and I did some work on a blood spray rig for a movie involving a chicken.
On Saturday Portal and I hit a couple of parties, at which I met an archeologist who (among other projects) helped arrange dinosaur digs for the "Make-A-Wish" foundation. Portal met a woman trying to open an alternative meats deli (Bison, ostrich) so I'll want to keep an eye out for that.

I spent most of last week playing (and beating) Halo 2 with Vid. It's a fantastic game, all the issues with first one were worked out, and they do taunt you a few times with "We've got to go to the library". That doesn't make sense if you haven't played the 13 level crap fest of the library in the first level, which completing required lunk headed stubborness or a long sado-masachostic streak.

The cliff-hanger ending didn't bug me, but a lot of people don't seem to "get" that it was a cliff hanger. I guess a lack of "To Be continued" threw them off.

Half Life 2 comes out tonight, work on the mod should speed up a bit. It doesn't help that I managed to break both of my main computers over the weekend doing mod related stuff. Dammit.

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