Friday, November 05, 2004
After the award ceremony |9:00 AM|
Fuck you Dell I/T, fuck you and and your piece of shit proxy server, and your worthless exchange servers. Fuck you for making browsing annoying at best and impossible at worst. Thanks for making communication a struggle against inferior tech.

Ahhhh FUCK. I had managed not to curse throughout the previously written post. I had a good description of the previous evening, my thoughts on the winner, my thoughts on our own award (Best editing), and what I'm planning to do with the film. That was all eaten in a digital burp by the fucking proxy server.

I know, I know, I should have copied the text, or written it in Word, but this happens so rarely that I fall out of unusual writing habits. Figures it would bite me in the ass eventually.

Alright, I'll re-type it, in an hour or so.

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Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Good Job! |10:19 AM|
By the way, this is directed at folks who vote for the Theopublican party.

Now you've gone and done it!

You better hope Bush's god doesn't tell him to take people's kidneys. His god is the only person he has to answer to now.

Everything that happens, besides outside attack, is all your fault. Everything. From car wrecks you witness to total economic and ecological devastation.


Oh, and your taxes are going up, genius. They just delayed that "suprise" until after the election. The money to do all the stupid shit has to come from somewhere.


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Tuesday, November 02, 2004
|6:29 AM|
I'm trying to find a way to do the following today:

Capture images and video from my bitchin' Halloween costume
Vote some more
Go to the final showing of the movie I made tonight and vote for it.
Possibly riot if Bush wins
Mail this handful of rebates

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