On Jan. 10, Lane’s car rolled over on an icy canyon road above Salt Lake City. Lane, who was not wearing a seat belt, was thrown through the windshield. (She was later charged with driving under the influence and not having a driver’s license.)
dunfealitany.wav | "Sound clip from the movie Dune recorded by zusty. "Fear is the little death" etc." |
dunwalk2.mp3 | "Sound clip from the movie Dune recorded by zusty. "Walk without rhythm, and we won't attract the worm" |
evagifs.zip | Collection of .gifs from anime series Evangelion |
final2.avi | Yours truly building a computer REALLY FAST. |
fisto_clonewars2.gif | Recompressed .gif for zusty's kit fisto page. |
funnycats.wmv | Montage of cats doing werid things. |
furcap1.mpg | The first video I made from "The Furry Incident" |
gothkryptonite.mp3 | A song created by a friend of mine to scare goths out of his store. |
iminjail.mp3 | Was Not Was's "Dad, I'm in Jail" |
ljhack | Livejournal hack that shows you recently uploaded photos. |
lowlife.mp3 | Recording from E3 of me being called a Lowlife |
magic_card_bats.jpg | Fake magic card 1 |
magic_card_cart.jpg | Fake magic card 2 |
moviegifs | Folder of movie .gifs (edit: Drat, still no indexing of directories) |
orsonwells.wav | Imitation of Orson Wells doing a green peas commercial |
pbride43.wav | "Sound clip from the princess bride part of the "I am not left handed" bit." |
pbride45.wav | "Sound clip from the princess bride part of the "I am not left handed" bit." |
pole.mpg | GAAAAH. I had no idea I had this movie. Pole vaulter catches pole in his personal pole area. |
goingtovomit.mov | Too much pizza on a pogostick |
prozac.mov | Using a bank capsule to bother the pharmacist |
soapbox.mov | Using a bank capsule as a soap box |
fwoomp.mov | Using a bank capsule to bug a waitress |
sandwich.mp3 | Zoidberg and his sandwhich |
screentest.mp3 | A hideous tech support call in which a guy wants his ISP to hook his monitor to his computer |
slutnazi.jpg | Some chick |
snowcow.mpg | A cow falls down |
spikes.gif | clip from an anime |
statuenyc.jpg | sculpture that people thought was of a jumper from the WTC |
techcall.mp3 | "A guy at a big computer company that works in service dispatch or similar claims that this is an actual call. He says it's not a prank based on a "Crank Yankers" sketch. Sick technician craps all over her house or so she says. " |
techcalls | Hosted tech support calls |
techcallswandive.mp3 | Guy threatening to throw himself off a balcony while screaming at his wife |
this_will_make_your_day.wma | "Same guy from that "Tech call.mp3" again sends me this…heavily accented call. It's just…odd." |
AnimeGlint1.wav | Cliché'd anime glint |
Mother.wav | Bladerunner sound clip "Let me tell you about my mother" |
NOOOO2.mpeg | Woman's fine acting job upon hearing the news of her daughter's death |
Sunfizz.mpg | One of the greatest commercials ever. Sprite's Sunfizz commercial. |
anguesdei.mp3 | Choral version of Angues Dei |
badgerphone | The Badger Phone mirror |
badmofo.wav | Robocop soundclip. You're gonna be a bad motherfucker |
bladerunnerwontlive.wav | "Bladerunner sound clip "It's too bad she won't live…" |
build4x.avi | Building a computer in a hurry |
cats.mpeg | One cat taunting another cat gets tackled |
cecil_blurred.jpg | I'm told this is the greatest picture of me ever |
colossus.wav | Colossus powerup from the X-men arcade game |
dickisakiller.mp3 | Dick Is a Killer .mp3 mirror |
dies_irae_intro.mp3 | Intro to Deis Irae. (Or is it Dies Irae?) |
doors_ruin_thxgiving2.avi | Jim morrison! You have ruined thanksgiving again! |
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