Friday, April 30, 2004
Arch Nemesis Finder |10:27 PM|
During my exposure to, I found that they had a "Bad match" service. You could find people who were the worst possible personality type to date, for you, as far as the okcupid tests could determine.
I think there should be a whole website devoted to finding a person who you disagree with so totally, that they would be considered your nemesis. The important part would be that they were your "equal" in some way, intellectual or political, so that if you ever went to war against them, it'd be an even match.
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Anger Cycle |9:54 PM|
My body is eating itself from the inside out, as I seem to have developed an ulcer. How cliche.
A couple days ago, due to drug side effects apparently, I was intensely angry in an unfocused fashion. Drivers on the road made me nearly go insane, being out of orange juice in my house built up rage inside. I knew at the time it was stupid and a chemical issue, but I still managed to get so angry that my stomach started hurting. No matter, I thought, it'll go away soon.
It didn't go away for several hours after I had calmed down. A churning, burning feeling in my stomach.
Days later (as in, yesterday) several events came together to make me as angry as I've felt in a long damned time. The power was cut off early, the was a previous balance I had to pay, the goddamn robot was apparently sent off to la-la land, and some other crap. What's important is I was so damned angry that the feeling in my pit came back, almost painful enough to incapacitate me. Luckily I had Akido class to calm down, but for long after (well into today) my stomach was churning and painful. I began belching violently this morning and didn't stop completely until now.
I'm calling the Doc as soon as possible. But now I can't get angry or it hurts, which pisses me off, which hurts, which pisses me off. I have to spend a lot of time on the phone chanting to myself "Don't get pissed, don't get pissed..."
This blows.
Labels: Drugs
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Ditto Ditre |4:48 PM|
I'm going to try to sell some crap on Ebay or possibly this other set of forums on which I post.
It's an ancient Ditto drive. Iomega's Tape drive, with an enormous 800 MEG CAPACITY!
It has a highly standardized and reliable interface

Act now and I'll throw in a motherboard! With Cache expansion!
Well, I guess there's always sex appeal.

Labels: Broken Links
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
How I helped an internet dork get a date. |9:25 PM|
There's this guy online, LSTB, who is quite shy. He had registered on a personal's website, and was hoping for love.
LSTB is "L-Shaped Tetris block". He's a slightly autistic or at least very socially inept poster. He's a nice, talented fellow if a bit weird. He often bitches about being lonely, and happened to mention a personal's site he was on. He mentioned that a girl had messaged him, he'd gotten flustered and not replied.
I then registered on said site, and tracked down the female in question:
And sent her a message:
Hello madam.
You seem open to new ideas, so I hope you'll put up with this mess. This nice fellow:
Contacted you at some point, or perhaps you contacted him first. He was extremely excited by both your reply, and your pictures.
However, he's a damn shy sissy and he didn't reply to you. Instead of taunting him as his peers have, I am taking this chance to meddle in his affairs.
As a favor to an internet stranger, who promises he has helped one old lady change a tire on the side of the road, please message him again.
A couple days later I hear that LSTB is going on a date. I asked him if it had anything to do with my meddling, and he says "Yes. This is all your fault. She even forwarded me your message."
I found myself laughing out loud. A laughter of good will, which I don't get to experience very often. I laughed loud enough to wake my roommate.
This is a long post already, but if you wanted to read the message she sent me, here it is:
hello there! I just thought I should email you back to let you know how much I appreciated your gesture. I actually had a reply in my mailbox from LSTB, and I have you to thank for it. I emailed him a while back and I assumed he didn't respond because he was too cool to be meddling with the likes of me. It's a self esteem lister to kow it's "not you." y'know? Anyway you helped make my day spectacular yesterday. Thanks again for being such a dignified, caring friend!
Mucho love,
-Betsy Boo
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|3:21 PM|
The lake house
Mental Capitalism
Meddling in online affairs
putting up a new gallery page with the videos
-Of which, there should be a link to a summary of the "Furry Incident"
Update: I guess that was Will B's lake house?
Labels: Expanded
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