Friday, February 27, 2004
OOooooh A geeking I will go. |2:24 PM|
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Not to say I'm a fan... |9:32 AM|
Howard Stern has been pulled off the air. The FCC, which gladly allowed Clear Channel to vanilla-fy the airwaves of radio, has made a crusade of enforcing decency. Glad to see they're willing to enforce the more popular and profitable regulations.
Thank goodness they fucking failed so utterly to do so on the internet. Bring on the random breast exposure:

Labels: Broken Links, Politics
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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Cheatin' With The Pizzaworks |1:36 PM|
Portal star, I have a confession. I've been seeing someone else. His name is Dave.
I know, I know how I said I had given him up, that I wasn't going to see him anymore, and that was true for several weeks. But soon, I couldn't get him off of my mind. I thought about his warm skin, how it was flaky.
How he was, frankly, delicious.
I've been back to see him, darling. Today at lunch in fact. Double Daves has a place up here, a modest retreat, and I saw him before noon.
Can you understand? Please, I hope you can.
Labels: Mariko
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|12:48 PM|
I sought a snack a moment ago, and since they didn't have one that would simulate "being outside" or one that was "A cure for feeling like death and the temptation to lie in a gutter for a while" I got snackwells.
Soviets had a nuke in Washington. (allegedly)
While explaining diplomatic pouches, and how diplomats had more than just one (Though a kangaroo like pouch would be kind of cool), I was reminded of the above story. Portal's roommate's father is a Russian diplomat. I strolled down to her room, and asked her nicely to ask her father if he knew about it.
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The Three Mr. P's. Or something. |10:48 AM|
Last night, I was delayed in going to Portal's house by my Past, some Pornography, and my Poppa. I had just told Portal I was leaving soon when a friend of mine sent me an AIM message showing me pictures of the current boyfriend of a former friend of mine. We remarked that his head looked kind of "smooshed". I think it's a medical term. Right after that, my dad (using my little sister's AIM client) sends me a message asking where his "f******* cookbook" was. Since the cookbook is mine, and I wasn't about to let my father self censor, I replied "You mean MY apeshitting, dogfucking cookbook?" I went on to use some other foul language when my dad, still sending messages on a pink background in a giant purple font, sent back "Don't try to impress me."
It stopped me in my tracks. Normally when on a cursing tear like that, nothing really slows me down. My dad managed to. When I explained this, he said "Thanks for the props, dog."
Ugh. At least he wasn't changing letters into numbers. At about this point, some random poster on a forum asked me if I still wanted pictures of a girl I had posted. I had posted a thread, in a pornographic context, asking "can you identify this chick?" with a bunch of pictures of chickens and ducks, also included were some random women from my webhosting. I went to the trouble of accepting his offering of a bunch of pictures of this
girl. (I'd been using the image as a punchline to a bunch of rack related jokes recently)
Portal was only partially amused at my explanations as to why I was late. "You were late because you were downloading pornography?"
"Not for me! I was going to post it in this silly thread I made."
"Oh! So pornography for other people! You're getting picture for other people to jack off to? Isn't that kind"
Labels: AGirl, Broken Links, Dad, Goons, Mariko
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Mad ideas that overcomplicate existing complications |12:20 PM|
I have edited this entry to be the text of the email I just sent my old physics teacher: The McCutcheon.
I came up with what is probably a ridiculous idea for car improvement. A great deal of heat is wasted during the combustion process of a car.
Currently, there's not an easy way (That I know of) to turn heat into mechanical or electrical force, at that (relative to say, a coal furnace) low heat/temperature. I imagined a bulb that would sit on the exhaust pipe from the cylinder, made out of a material that expands violently when its temperature reaches a certain point, one that would expand quickly within a narrow set of temperatures.
I have to take a brief sidetrack, and discuss a principle with which I am not too familiar. (Here's where my knowledge of physics breaks down utterly. ) If you have a container of a gas that is under pressure, and you release that pressure, the container cools. As an example, butane refill cartridges, canned air, C02 bottles. It comes down to pressure equaling heat, but I can't write the equation out at the moment. Let's say instead of release the gas in the container to reduce pressure, you increased the volume of the container itself. That'd reduce pressure and heat, wouldn't it?
Let's say I have the bulb made of the substance I mentioned earlier. It uses some of the energy of the heat from the combustion gasses to expand. Now suddenly, the gasses in the container are much colder. The material shrinks back to original size, upping the pressure on the gas inside, but said gas is now being pushed out of a valve on the other end of the bulb instead of being repressurized. During the expansion stage, any number of things could be strapped or connected or whatever to this bulb as a way to harness some of this "reclaimed" energy.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2004
|2:52 PM|
Do Octopi garden?
Who in Russia is reading my blog? Or is that a proxy that someone is using?
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Do Viruses become extinct? |12:59 PM|
I wonder what happened to all those boot sector viruses. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, I'll try to give you a short explanation. On every floppy disk there's an area called the "boot sector". If you leave a floppy in a computer when it's starting up, the disk drive automatically looks to that sector for information on how to run the computer. It's how you can start a computer with a floppy disk.
If someone puts in that sector malicious code, a virus, that gets run when the computer starts. The only way for a boot sector virus to spread is if an infected disk is left inside of a computer on startup (by accident, usually). At that point, every floppy that is used on the now infected computer is infected with the boot sector virus.
Floppies are a lot less common nowadays. I would assume that most virus writers have either moved on in their lives or have lost the files used in making such an outdated type of virus. How many different viruses have died off?
I'm not saying that we should start a virus zoo, or some other conservation effort. The last thing we need is more viruses. But it was just an odd concept that occured to me.
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|8:09 AM|
Virus extinction
Why do I get the feeling that this report will only spur advertisers to aim more directly at children under 8?
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
|7:04 PM|
This week I will deal with my car insurance (Again), hit the sensory deprivation tanks, and probably try out acupuncture.
"I hate everything that doesn't actively make me feel good, or like a better person."
Wonder how many needles that'll take.
Pipedreams that have yet to be followed through upon:
New business idea
Working for Gavin De Becker
Working for one of the two artificial diamond places out on the East coast.
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What did you do at 5am? I made PocketPC themes |1:06 PM|
I was messing around with PocketPC themes, and I had some difficulty making good ones. I have plenty of interesting images, or pictures of attractive women, or surreal/extraordinary photos, but few of them make good themes. They have to have a consistent color so you can choose the right text color. That sort of thing. After a couple failed attempts, the following are the two with which I am happy. My themes have the advantage of using copyrighted artwork. Click the images to download them, but since I'm the only person that reads this blog that uses a handheld, I don't think many people will click them.

Based on
Based on a photograph of a woman on a beach.
Labels: Broken Links, Pictures
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