Saturday, August 09, 2003
You smell like robots |6:19 AM|
Information is limited at the moment, but I think I'm seeing the rise of a new meme. "You smell like robots" was printed on a poster, hanging up in Austin on the inside of a covered walkway. Subsequent google searches reveal little other than other people looking for information.
This image is on a site that is not in english. Clearly it's different from what I saw, being stenciled spraypaint. However, the words are the same and the lack of understanding is similar. There used to be a group called "The Rebel Alliance" here in Austin, that was spray painting the rebel logo onto various things here in town.
Most of the google search results had people asking "So what's with these posters in Austin that say 'You smell like robots'?". Someone on has it as their name or something, they keep coming up but nothing in the page text has robots.
I found a blog with "You smell like robots" as the title of an entry. When I wrote them, they were nice enough to mail back the following(used without permission but with a lot of appreciation):
i'm really surprised about all the hits i continue to get from people searching for "you smell like robots." the only time i've heard it is when i
was watching a tv show called "just shoot me" while i was writing that entry. some crazy lady just kept saying odd things to people, and i think then i heard "you smell like robots" i about died laughing. but then, i'm
easily amused.
that's the only reference to it that i know, though. i think it's probably the only one. hope i helped.
So others are looking for info, and it may have come from a TV show.
I don't yet have a date range or birthday for this phrase, but I'm trying to find it. It only took what, a couple months to figure out where that pictogram of the crosswalk guy with the hula hoop came from. That one would have taken a day if I had started talking to Emo's right away.
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Friday, August 08, 2003
|1:25 PM|
I was out on 6th street last night. I was bored, and awake, and so I hit the town with a person I sort of know through Vorpal.
While on 6th street, I noticed a woman with a tablet PC walking around, asking people questions. Further investigation revealed that she was a cigarette company rep, surveying people and giving out free lighters to people who answered four questions. The lighter in question was a nifty zippo, so I took the survey. The woman needed to scan my ID to "Confirm that I was 21". While I'm sure they intended to somehow track me, I gave them an ID listing an address that hasn't been accurate in 5 years. After the scan, she asked me what cigarette type I smoked ("Camel Turkish Golds"). No, I don't actually smoke. After signing the tablet PC in loopy ass writing, I was given the
Free Copper Zippo.
I lied, cheated, and stole from a tobacco company, and I can't feel guilty. Yes, what I did was dishonest and I'm not exactly proud of that, I find it difficult in the extreme to feel remorse for any crazy dis-service to the tobacco companies. I'm going to pay the $5 or so to have "Go Die" engraved onto it.
We stayed out late enough that breakfast was in order, and afterwards is when things got a bit hairy. Before the hairiness, at one point Kristy stole my camera to prevent photos. She then kicked at my groin, so I grabbed her foot and
removed her shoe.
Another pic The hairiness arose when it was discovered that a particular lot had tow-away hours of 3am to 5am. The female friend I was out with had a male friend along, and his car had been towed. Now suddenly I was the designated driver and chauffeur for 2 people and I had to get this guy's car out of impound (Total maximum time car could have been in lockup: 1.5 hours. Total cost to guy: $118. Car towing is a scam. Maybe they'll start giving away free shit in exchange for lies.) He paid the fees, and scrammed. I took the female side of the party to her apartment and met her parrots, pictured below.
Me harassing birdsKristy Transporting PanchoParrrrrot!My girlfriend doesn't think I eat enough veggies, so I take
pictures as proof. This is me demonstrating how the mouse can hear us coming up to the apartment, with his larger
mouse ears.
It sucks, I know, but here's a
picture of a picture of me looking scary while my main squeeze looks frightened.
Labels: Broken Links, Vorpal
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Thursday, August 07, 2003
Messing around |12:57 PM|
I'm playing around with the blog style a bit (Clearly) and I'm working on learning what exactly these cascading style sheets do.
One thing folks might have noticed is the white text color. I fouled up while fixing the permanent links and got this color of text, and I found it was easier to read. If you agree, or disagree, let me know.
With email still fouled up, it may be best if you voice your concerns via
This address. Still working on stuff.
The big change is permanent links. The date and subject line of each post should now be a link to the archive containing the post in question. If you feel like sending people these links or want to keep an eye on a post for all the edits I usually make then by all means, copy link and paste away. If you have problems or something breaks, let me know.
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Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Highly Irrational |12:18 AM|
VorpalBunny: WHY GOD WHYY
You'll have to bear/bare with me here. I've been off of my adderall for several days now, and the effects it is having on me are peaking. Portal noticed my supervillian side becoming more and more obvious, while I've noticed my impulsive nature taking off.
This evening portal, her roommate Alex and I attended a book signing by Em and Lo, 2 sex columnists from We got a
group shot with them. Note that they both have crossed their legs the same way, and also note that I look like total shit.
They gave a presentation about proper anal sex preparation, and performance, all while dressed as
flight attendants. It was highly educational. While we there, I happened to run into the
hippie chick that I had tried to setup with Vorpal in the past. (As a refresher,
Here is a picture of her from that "date"). It's too bad she ran off after the show, or we could have had an extremely akward conversation. Portal did comment that her dress was pretty, she was not at all "catty".
Dude!In my hyper-impulsive state, I purchased a book by Dave Eggers that I was told to get by
Sabrina. She thinks he's a modern marvel. I didn't realize it was by this guy, I just noticed the title "You Shall Know Our Velocity!" while waiting in line at book people. The realization of the author and the recollection of Sabrina's recommendation cascaded in from there.
Portal's roommate said this was a catalog of her nervous tics:
Mouth suck

Play with Earrings.

Labels: Broken Links, Vorpal
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Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Sorry about that |2:35 PM|
My hosting had the incorrect zip code in my account info, and thus the automatic payment did not go through as planned. They suspended the account, and then it got broken again when they were putting it back up.
It's clearly fixed now. Thank you for not finding alternative forms of egotistical blathering.
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Monday, August 04, 2003
Did she just say "twat"? |11:02 AM|
Over the weekend I went with Portal, a friend of hers named
Stefanie(Next to portal), and a guy who's handle I haven't come up with yet. I'll just call him
"K" because his name starts with that. Oh, before I forget, K works for a game company, which means I envy him to a certain extent. However, he his company has been working on the same game for the last several years which means I can taunt him. I attempted to interview him about this game, without violating his NDA.
Me: "So, how's Duke Nukem' Forever going?"
K: "You
shut up."
That was the sum total of the interview. Had I pressed the issue, I'm sure he would have fashioned a crude weapon from water ride parts and murdered me. K is a programmer, working on gameplay and "Low level physics stuff". He's a cool fellow, so I hope the game gets out the door, and the whole game industry is forced to eat crow.
Since no-one really reads this blog that could fire the guy, I feel safe in posting an image of him looking
dead. Another image of
After the water park, here is a
Group Shot.
While at Portal's house, her step-mother was arguing with Portal's younger sister about her selection of jeans. We were all trying to be polite about why they were too tight. At the end of her rope, her step-mother yells "She means she can see your twat!", shocking me into silence. The sister got the message and ran off to go change. Here is the
Groin in question.
I guess it was just so shocking to hear this otherwise proper-to-a-fault woman using language that I am slow to use. I of course, still often shock Portal with my cursing. This same woman (the one that shocked me) kicked me out of the house because I was going to be alone with Portal. We just wanted to (dorkily enough) play a videogame. The step-mother thought we wanted to have sex. Portal has her own apartment, if we wanted to be alone, we'd just go there. Such logic was lost on the step-mother, but she was still throwing around twat.
People who appreciate the pirate joke will appreciate
Labels: Broken Links, Pictures
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