Friday, June 06, 2003
I am a capitalist scumbag |8:45 AM|
Went with Portal out to "First Thursday" which is a street party-esque event down on South Congress. The stores stay open a lot later, there's live music, street performers, merchants, craftsman, and
famous transvestites that are running for mayor.
Parking is a bit of a bitch, but I managed to find a really nice spot. It was adjacent to another parking space that was being vacated as I parked. Right as I get out of my car, this enormous
bus pulls up. The people inside yell "Hey! If we give you $10 will you find some place else to park?". I took their money (as Portal rolled her eyes), moved my car, and quickly found another place to park. I tried to give the money back but they told me to keep it. "Dude, you helped us, dude!". The bus was completely covered in
Paul Frank type art. Before I noticed the Paul Frank stuff, I had asked them if they were a band of some kind. They claimed to be part of "Road Rules", so I suddenly didn't feel as guilty taking their money (I somehow doubt the veracity of that statement). Damn reality shows.
Austin Hotel has a ridiculously shaped sign.
I met a guy playing a didjeridu, and we discussed proper playing technique. He taught me a few tricks to try for learning "circular breathing" which is the key to that instrument. He didn't have a hat out, he said he hadn't brought it this time, that he was just out there doing it for fun. Nice fellow. Portal claims I'm really good with strangers, to which I have no real reply. I might jokingly suggest that I'm not afraid of
stranger danger, because said strangers should be much more afraid of my unpredictable self.
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Thursday, June 05, 2003
Understanding the yellow lighter. |9:12 AM|

This lighter is terrifying to a pair of gamblers with whom I play poker. I have no idea, but they both seem quite afraid of it, and told me to get rid of it as soon as possible. Also, one of them specified "Whatever you do, just don't throw it onto your bed". Seeing as I don't have a bed at the moment, I'll avoid throwing it onto my couch. Wait, what am I saying? I'm going to try hiding it around one of these guy's houses. Actually, since my roommate is dating one of them, I may hide it on her bed before the two of them get home. I'll get to the bottom of this one way or another.
If you happen to know why the heck I should be afraid of a yellow lighter, please let me know.
The damn webcam portal is broken.
Here is an exciting image of me.
13 days until International Vampire Meetup day. I'm abandoning Vid's axe murder idea in favor of going undercover. I'm thinking of investing in a digital camcorder. The Sony that my uncle just bought rules an inordinate amount of ass, and even has the nightshot feature. Very cool if I start creeping around places at night. If I do purchase a digital camcorder, I'll be taking it to this "Meetup Day" for documentation purposes. It should be amusing, and I wonder if I should wear plastic fangs?
What are the rules of vampire etiquette? Should I be excited by the movie "Underworld" or offended by it? Do I bring my own blood, or do I bring cash to pay the person who does? If I brought a hip flask of pig's blood, how many people could I get to drink it?
Ruffles, how many ruffles should I have on my shirt?
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Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Now that I feel less like crap |10:13 AM|
Waking up at 9am on Sunday, spending the day at Kraussy springs, hanging out all night with the girlfriend, working all day monday, getting 2 hours of sleep only to go to work again, and I now have my answer to "Why do I feel like crap?".
I'm feeling a lot better, amazing what 6 hours of sleep can do for a person. I was spacing out terribly last night, and I could barely hold a conversation with Portal. She's awfully patient with me when she needs to be. Yes, I was very careful driving home. It wasn't like monday morning where I was slapping myself in the car to stay awake. I think I was actually far more tired after sleeping for 2 hours then I was later in the day after work, but far more mentally drained.
Awwww crap. The cable guy just called my cell. I just remembered that I left the old modem at the old apartment. Shit. I hope he can at least turn the damn thing on for me, I can handle the rest.
Shit shit.
As far as being declared a "playa". I was pulling into Shortstop (A burger joint that I'm a fan of, for those outside Austin) and the guy at the window suddenly recognized me. I had been going to Shortstop for ages, and it was only today that the entire staff suddenly remembered who I was.
Window guy: "Hey! It's the playa!"
Me: "Playa?"
Window Guy: "How you doin'? Haven't seen you in a while!"
Me: "Yeah, working more hours."
Window guy: (To another coworker): "It's the playa!" (to me) "You eat here a lot."
Me: "Cheap and tasty!"
Window Guy: "Hell yes. Best burgers in the area!" (To a guy on lunch break across the parking lot) "This guy is a playa!"
I have no idea what any of it means. But it was an ego boost. Oh, a guy who's opinion I respect said I'd always been straight with him. That made me feel damn good, it's not like I'm going to go marry the guy, but it was like a handshake after a good party. The guy has always been straight with me, as well, so I knew he was telling the truth.
Kraussy Springs Just a couple highlights.
My roommate (middle) and friends remark on the tasty nature of the chips.
The area around the springs was gorgeous.
I won the "most pale back" award. At least I got some sun.
Group shot.
Joe and company trying to get the women in the group to flash. "Work with me!"
No was the response.
Such a pretty area.
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Tuesday, June 03, 2003
I was declared a "Player" today. |4:06 PM|
Blogger was apparently screwed up yesterday. Today is tuesday, correct? Hell of a weekend. Friday night I caught a showing of "Finding Nemo". Yes, a kids movie, however it was a Pixar kids movie and it was very well done. There were some chilling moments, and a fish that fit the voice of Willem Dafoe, if you can believe it. A movie that was worth the $9 to see it? I'm pleased. I'll go off on a rant about ticket prices, and advertisements later.
Saturday was an excersise in futility. Attempts to get the internet at my house back, my cordless phone, and some other menial tasks were all met with failure. I did manage to get my taxes filled out, and I'm getting back $1,400. Pretty swell. Yes, I understand that the money could have earned interest in the time the government held onto it, but I'm quite glad I didn't end up owing anything.
Shoot, things to expand upon when I feel less like crap:
The trip to the springs
Shortstop callin' me a playa.
Loop baby. WELCOME.
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