Saturday, May 03, 2003
Mep! Mep! |2:44 PM|
Different from Meep, mep will get stuck in your head.
Watch odd Tood's cartoons. The first three are apparently the best. The mep...mep is in the second cartoon. You'll know it when you see it.

As promised, the "poem"

Remember, before you read this, that I was kidding the whole time. Except for the abuse of "like" and ellipses. That was just because I sucked. Also, the italics are the obnoxious way of indicating a second internal voice.
What else...oh, yeah I got to use the term "bereft" and a garbled reference to The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.

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Thursday, May 01, 2003
I need a NAAAAAWS. Two tanks. |10:37 AM|
Oh, forgot to mention that the last night of swing dancing was this past tuesday. I'm probably going to take Lindy Hop with Portal, starting in a couple weeks. The dance classes definitely raised my energy level a wee bit, and were a blast. I really want to learn the "Tandem Charleston" but apparently that's not Lindy Hop. How odd that the Charleston is some holy grail that has to have its own class.

The classes are relatively pricey if you pay for them all up front. I get a discount if I get another follow (read: woman) to join. I guess I'm not the only guy who thought of prowling for dates there.

As far as the last class went, I'm a terrible dancer, but I got a compliment from the instructor. She said my tuck turn was the best she'd encountered, and that was the nitrous to my ego's engine. I felt like a bad ass, or at least, a reasonably ungood ass.
I have to remember to purchase Xmen tickets when I get home.

Oh! I tracked down "Yard work"! That damn "poem" that almost won the school poetry contest, all those years ago. I tested it out on a couple people, and they're still alive, so when I can get back to my machine at home, I'll repost the story AND that bit of work. It's full of the word "Thing" commas, and I even abused ellipses. Good thing I was kidding at the time.

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|1:51 AM|
Webcams. I direct your attention to the gator cam, since that's one of those little rubber bastards sitting in a tub of water. It should get pretty damned big, and during the day the image will be better. (More light)

Any questions?

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Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Yes ma'am. |5:03 PM|

Stolen from Penny Arcade.

And here's something stolen from SA

I got my hands on a "screener" of the Animatrix film "Last flight of the Osiris"

crap, will finish later. Going home.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Ink blot insult |10:54 AM|
I forgot to mention something that ocurred while I was driving Portal around campus. A couple of idiots wandered in front of my car, and I ended up swerving around them. As I passed near them I yelled out "Nice walking!" They yelled some random threat or another in response. Not having time to yell my threat of choice "I'LL CHOKE THE GATES OF THE UNDERWORLD WITH YOUR LOVED ONES!!!" I had to improvise. I stuck my fist out the window, and yelled "GRAAGGA RAAAAH RAAAAAAh" at them. Knowing the wind and traffic noise would make what I said difficult to understand, they could interpret what I said however they wanted. (I will refer to them as Steve and John)

Steve: "Dude, did he just call me a pickle?"
John: (Ignoring Steve) "MY MOTHER WAS A SAINT!"

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Monday, April 28, 2003
Unexpected keys to joy |2:50 AM|
I was up in Dallas again this past saturday and sunday night. Sinclair's computer had eaten itself, with possible mobo damage. I did the quick (3 hour) drive up there for the repair. Thinking it would be a short stay, I didn't bring anything besides my tools, and my warm self.

That's before I discovered The Couch.

As a bit of review, I have had the same bed for the entire time I've been in Texas, though I've not always been sleeping on it. During my time in the same apartment as Sinclair it mainly stayed attached to a wall. A side note to this side note, is that for a while my furniture had seen more action with other people than me for a long period. My couch was Vorpal's for a while, and the bed was added to an entirely seperate rental couch a long time ago to allow JP enough room to say there. Actually, for a while, my furniture had all seen more action from JP and females than I and any females. My "getting play" all occurred at different locations, sometime different states. Anyway, this bed is old old old. An $80 set of mattress, box springs, and rack, and I've been meaning to throw it in the trash for about 5 months now. I was going to throw it away when I moved into the new house with Jessica, but that kept being delayed. Now, finally, I can get rid of this goddamn bed.

Right, back to The Couch. I don't sleep at normal times, and even when I have been sleeping, I still felt like total crap in the morning. But on that damn couch, I slept for 12 hours, and I woke up I felt so good I had to stay on couch and bask in Its joy for half an hour. I haven't felt that rested in ages. I thought in the past I had gotten incredibly refrshing bits of sleep, but this took the cake.
I would have paid cash to sleep like that again. In fact, I am. I'm going to blow a great deal of money as soon as possible on a good, solid mattress. I get to research beds and I may even stop in at a "Sleep number" store, just to waste their time and not buy anything because their adds bother me.

Oh, strangely enough the night of sleep I had was almost free of nightmares. Pleasant dreams were in the majority, and the unpleasant one was mild.


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