Do not touch! |1:54 AM|
This is a combination of the several, short posts I have made in the last couple of days. Just so you're not suprised if you were keeping up.
That's peculiar. There's apparenlty some crazy delay in some of the posts I'm making.
Also, I wish I could express how tired I am of all the various servers and applications that take so fucking long to do anything on any fucking portion of my job.
But, I do want to specify that hammocks rule ass. I got to spend some time in one just this past thursday, and it kicked a helluva lot of ass. I will be installing one in the new apartment/townhome.

Well, they were asking for it, really.
The above is from San Antonio, outside the Ripley's haunted mansion. I'm going to throw up the galleries for it as soon as I have access to Excel, which is what I use to build these things.
There's some other things I want to post, but I just wanted to clean up a couple posts, and kill some time as the laundry/dishes/dryer is all being done. Azaelel is still here, and alive. The apartment really should have eaten him.
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|3:09 PM|
A new small gallery Most of the pictures were taken by Portal star over this past weekend. The "Women make great leaders" one was taken by me in a parking lot.
On Friday, I headed up to Dallas to meet up with the other 2 guys I know with my name (along, of course, with a variety of friends I've made through them). I used to live with one of them, so you can imagine the confusion. It wasn't a vacation, it was just a swift visit to some friends, and I was back about 30 hours later.
I did get to play Soul Caliber 2 against Sinclair, and that was a blast. We used to play Soul Caliber as our primary form of interaction, back when we lived together. I actually did pretty damn well against him, considering he had several weeks of prep time, he claims he did the honorable thing and waited for my return. This was so we were more evenly matched. I remember a few instances where the "new guy" playing the game has been an incredible threat to the person who was supposed to be teaching. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 comes to mind for myself, and Tekken 3 comes to mind for Sinclair and his girlfriend. I can't remember the first couple games I taught to people, only to have them become as good (or better) than I all of a sudden. I don't want to sound as though this bothers me, it's an ideal situation to have new challenges spring up, though I only realized this recently. It used to be that finding competition in a game that I or my friends had mastered was difficult, like Age of Empires 2. My old job was a constant war of that game. Man, this post is turning awfully dorky.
On Sunday I finally got out to Zilker with Portal to fly a kite. Our time was limited, (she had to show an apartment to her parents) but what little time we did have was a blast. The kite I purchased was a bit heavier than the other kites out there, but was clearly more sturdy. That's probably for the best, considering my kite flying style and history. This can be compared to a drunken fist fight with the elements, but without the style and grace.
I really miss my old parasol kite, and I'd love to replace it. For me, or for its true owner, my father. I just don't have the $150-$250 that a nice one of those costs. But gosh, that was a great kite. I bet it's still recognizable and still in the same tree that became its final resting place, 8 years ago. After 3 years, before I left Chicago, it was still clearly a kite.
I'm considering stopping by the local kite store here in town and grabbing a foil para-foil kite, they're highly portable, and relatively lightweight.
TPL staffer Azaelel is coming into town today, so I need to prep for that.
Meanwhile, I still feel like processed hurt food product at work. I called in ill for the first half of today, but it's best for everyone if I can get in and cover the phones. Hell of a day.
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