Friday, April 04, 2003
Welcome back from your trip to Dallas! |7:30 PM|
THAT was a total goddamn bust.
I just got back from the gas station, where my debit card was declined at the pump. I got to find out via ATM that a couple bills or something must have hit early, and I was suddenly beeeroke.
You may be wondering how this could have happened, seeing as I got the raise and all, and my family didn't borrow ALL that much from me. I made 2 big boo boos. I didn't get a paystub in in time, and then I was out of town for the next one. This string of irresponsibility has been plaguing me for a month now. Luckily, I'm getting a very large and impressive check this coming Thursday, but until then, I'm quite SOL.
Dammit. This sucks. I wanted to go to Dallas and see some nice folks, several of whom I haven't seen in ages. It's probably for the best, though. My unstable finacial situation should probably shackle me to my house. But, the powers on and my bills are paid. I just can't drive to Dallas. That's a lot more stable and pleasant than previous times I thought I was in trouble. I'm actually feeling pretty good, considering. I'll see the Dallas crew soon, as of thursday I'll have money "hanging out of my ass" to quote Sinclair.
I'm going to fill out my taxes. With any luck, I'll be able to get a quick advance for a reasonable amount of painful interest.
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Stongly resisting the reasonable |3:06 AM|
I'm still awake. I really, really shouldn't be. I just can't bring myself to go to sleep. I've been making poor judgement calls for over an hour and a half now. Posting stupid shit on forums, looking through my random image directory and sending people samples. Downloading various movies or cartoons and watching, jaw agape, drooling all over myself. Well, no, I'm not drooling.
MY fight against the ants or whatever is in the kitchen continues. Since the little bastards weren't going to the floor traps enough, I thumbtacked one to the wall. It was at this point that I noticed my A/C unit is making a gurgling noise. Luckily, I'm moving out soon. I guess I should say "with any luck"
I'm going to go to bed, and set every alarm in my house so I wake up on time. I don't know if I've posted this image before, but here you go.
This image is not safe for viewing at work, near loved ones, it's just not safe.
What the fuck?
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Thursday, April 03, 2003
Running Class, wasting time |4:34 PM|
It's nearly time to go home.
Almost. I wonder if I can write a story that will not run over the time I have left here, but still take the time allotted.
Did I ever tell you, reader, about the nice thing I once did for a very depressed friend of mine? Judging by the lack of the word "Vince" in my archives, apparently not. I should give some background on Vince, as his high school depression was quite spectacular. When my social group first met him, he was face down in the mud outside one of the dorms. Greg, who in the past I have refferred to as "Triple G" asked him what he was doing. The reply came:
"Waiting to die"
Greg, not wanting to interrupt, replied "Oh" and went lunch. When he came back, Vince was still there. When asked if he was still waiting to die, Vince replied in the affirmative.
Vince didn't wear black, or T-shirts of nihilistic bands. He didn't have to. He emitted angst and depression as a byproduct of functioning, like the drone of a bee's wings, or the smog from a smokestack.
Our social group would hang out in the physics lab, usually. To be studying or playing games, what have you. At one point, it is the physics teacher, Vince, and myself, in the lab. Vinces gets up from his work, and says "I'm going to go check my mailbox, and see if anyone loves me." And angst'd his way down the hall. Shoulders hunched, and not picking up his feet, he wasn't going very fast. On a whim, I scribbled out a note on a bit of paper from my notebook, and went to the door of the lab.
Here is the important diagram.
 | Key:
1. The physics lab
2. The stairwell from locker area to admin area
3. Mailboxes. ( my destination)
4. A guy. To show scale.
5. (Unmarked) that grey line is a the path.
Vince was taking the straight line path, from physics lab to mailboxes. I wanted to beat him there, but not be seen. I casually picked up conversation with the physics teacher as I walked towards the door, while Vince was still walking down the hall. When I thought he was out of normal hearing range, (Halfway down the hall) I ran for the door. The above grey path shows my projected course outside, and around the building. Now, not only did I have to beat him to the mailboxes (He had a hell of a headstart) I had to REALLY beat him to location 2, that stairwell. He'd be coming up the stairs, and looking right out the big windows (Marked in yellow) to where I was running. The whole thing was blown if he saw me sprinting by.
I was throwing all my energy into that first sprint, the sprint before those windows. Arms pumping, legs churning, tie flapping in the wind I was creating, I was putting all my track training to use, but wearing dress shoes.
I flew into the admin area with as much subtely as a rhino escaping a plastic wading pool. I realize that I had no idea what Vince's mailbox number was, after a few precious seconds searching the directory, I slammed the note into his mailbox, and took off the way I came. Again, I had to make sure he didn't see me through any of the windows, and get back the lab. Arriving there, I spent a few moments calming my racing heart, and my breathing. Back to studying I went.
Vince walks in, noticably straighter, walks over to me, and neatly fits the note's tear against its remnants in my notebook. Scrawled across it is "Everyone loves you Vince."
Vince: "It first occurred to me that you must have time travelled. Or that you ran really,
really fast. Thank you."
He acted a lot more chipper the rest of the day, and he still sometimes brings it up. I feel glad I got that chance.
I finished the diagram at work, and much of the writing, but I still had to finish it up when I got home. Dammit! If I hadn't been doing my job!
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Wednesday, April 02, 2003
|11:58 PM|
This was going to be a horrific rant on the war crimes of Bush senior, but instead I give the following link and decide that it's best not to get so upset with something that I, currently, cannot stop.
Operation Name Generator
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Monday, March 31, 2003
Dreams, Links, joyous news. |9:58 PM|
First off, since I couldn't reach Zusty's blog for a couple days there, I had forgotten to check it when I got into work monday. Seeing her online, I said to Vid "I'm going to check Zusty's blog and see if she got a job".
Lo and behold. She got a job, she's working with the same people that did Zoo Tycoon, and it's just too damn cool for any words that I command.
Shoot, I was going to post a link to the good news, but I should ask her permission first.
That probably means she'll be posting less, in fact her posts say as much.
That about does it for blogs that I could check while at work. Ladeeleroy is gone, too. Working on some drama project or another. I wonder if JP or Rock still have effective blogs.
PortalStar is supposed to be doing her paper on Malcom X, so if she's reading this, get back to work. Dammit.
Portal also sent me this link on the role of the
circus in America.
Edit: Additional
This image is supposed to be about breast cancer research. Instead, it sounds remarkably like a description of internet pornography. Take a look, and see if you see what I'm talking about.
What else...
This Livejournal of a particular Korean Despot is classic stuff.
Dreaming again of justice, and redemption. Conquered a post-apocalyptic society, only to rebuild it in a fair and just fashion. That's when imperialist forces showed up and attempted to use Christmas against us. I'm shocked.
Also, some weird dreamed phone conversation about someone's grades, and a guy named Aaron, and why they gave a damn I have no idea.
A final link, this
random image finder was not made by me, but it is amusing. It will like give several pornographic returns, so consider yourself warned.
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