Monday, November 04, 2002
Blarg |2:03 AM|
I had to call in sick to Saturday night. I had met up with the crew of folks that makes up most of my party/club type outings, and we had shared booze and chips at Trudy's. Sadly, my stomach got the best of me, and instead of making a scene I quietly excused myself. I was unable to return to the bar/club/street/ditch as I had planned. Drag.

I've been reading My Boot, specifically the "She Hates My Futon" story. I was really getting into it, I thought it was damn well written, the characters having been fleshed out enough so I formed personal opinion of them. Unfortunately, the damn thing isn't finished! I didn't see a warning at the start, no hint that "sorry, story hits brick wall 'round chapter 20 or so"
Son of a bitch. It's like a literary case of blue balls. The same feeling you get when you're really starting to enjoy a book right as you leave the damn thing on a plane. Farewell, little book.

Sunday was pretty slow until the afternoon. I had gone in for some overtime, then headed out to Horseshoe Crab (I haven't heard of it either), then sped on back for some sunday night chilling. Rissa and Will have moved into their new place and seem to be doing well.

My daisies refuse to bloom, still.

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