Update, Shmupdate |1:18 AM|
Ugh. I've spent so much damn time on computers the past couple days, I really had no desire to post anything. I still wish to have something ready for TPL, but all this week on the correct days, the staff has updated. That's kind of wacky.
It's for the best though, I've been doing a bunch of behind-the-scenes crap. Fixing old, dead links, using .gif's where I'd used larger .jpg's, and getting that goddamn cam portal code working.
I wish Snatchqueen's website was still up, that cam portal is a work of art. If it wasn't against the (likely) free-ware embracing attitudes Snatch has, I'd say clean up the typos and SELL that software. It's the only cam portal software worth anything that I found, AND it's far beyond "adequate". I like it. The portal software is so damned cool, that when I was done, I expected more updates or more cams or something.
If you're reading this, and you want a webcam on the portal, head on over to the signup page and I'll almost certainly add you to the next page of 'em.
Pages visibly updated:
Today was payday. This is always a very good thing.
I really need to do something about the default beeps on this computer. Geeeeez.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Gadzooks. |2:06 AM|
Vorpal and I went to see the ring, and it is indeed terrifying. So scary is this movie, that I've pretty much sworn off of sleeping for good. I highly reccomend you all go see it and scare yourselves silly. I do have one question that occurred to me. "Why did I do this to myself?" I spent about 2 hours under profound, artificial stress. Right now I'm still a bit spooked to be in my own apartment. I actually haven't been this unnerved since I was...hmmm 12 or 13 years old. When I was 12 or so, I became afraid of the dark for one summer. I hadn't been scared of it before, and not since, but that summer is when I learned about every kind of paid programming there is on late night TV. It's also about the time I started watching a lot of zombie movies.
I'm babbling.
ALright, some comedy. Being the considerate movie goer I am, I turned my phone to "vibrate" before the film. I think you know where this is going, but allow me to continue. At a relatively inoppurtune time, someone called me. My pants started vibrating, I shot out of my seat and scared the piss out of Vorpal and a bunch of folks around us. When I realized it was my phone, my hands shot towards my left pocket.
Now, the left arm got the pocket, but the right arm is at a bit of a different angle, and therefore missed. Missed with great speed, ending up instead punching myself... you get the idea.
It did make the movie a bit easier to watch. "Wow, this is really, really scary. Good lord, my balls really, really hurt. Man! Scary movie! Gosh, I hope I don't vomit because I punched myself in the balls"
Notes: arcade review, Myth interview, San Antonio ghost hunt.
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Also, note to myself, put a new change of clothes in the truck of car, and put your poncho back in.
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The Ring |8:00 AM|
If I was to draw a Venn diagram of the people I've run into who have seen "The Ring" and people who would classify the scariest movie they've seen in years as "The Ring" I would only need one circle. (I know at some point I brought up the brilliant joke ages ago about tit fucking being like a Venn diagram). I wish I had more than the standard Penny Arcade link, but the rest of the folks to whom I'm referring all reside in meatspace. I'm going to go see the damn thing tonight, if possible. If I have to pay for Vorpal or Vid's ticket(s) to drag one or both of them along, so be it. I've been working enough overtime to equal a second part time job.
Despite all the buzzing and yelling of the terrified masses, I know just about nothing about this film. All I know at this point is that I can't sneak up on anyone who has seen it, partially because they tend to jump at the slightest noise, and also because they are often hiding in small places.
Penny Arcade's rant section mentions viral marketing. I wonder how long this concept has been around in its current form. (A perfect example is of course, The Viral Factory) It's no longer "word of mouth", especially in a communication medium such as Das Uberautobahn Informationen. A side note to me blathering about the internet and its buzzword multimedia components: There have been times for both Vorpal and myself while speaking to each other in person that we wanted some way of displaying an image or playing a particular soundfile to explain or give an example of what we were talking about. This is not to say that Vorpal and I are limited in our ability to carry on a conversation without computers, it's just that when you're trying to describe some damn thing you saw, sometimes it's best just to send a link. But back to the viral thing. Now that you can send people a link to a trailer for a movie you're telling them about, you are a much more effective agent of advertising. Far better than any banner ad company could ever hope to be.
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Sunday, October 20, 2002
Once again |11:07 AM|
Back at work. Half of the 10/19 entry was written while various drivers were loading, so if it seemed more disjointed than usual, that's why. The servers here are such tremendous pains in the ass.
I happened to catch "Spirited Away" last night, and I enjoyed it. I did realize something that I probably should have noticed a while back. A lot of the Miyazaki animes are definitely geared towards a much younger crowd. Spirited Away, Porco Rosso both have a distinct lack of more "adult" themes, no one dies, and the level of tension is never beyond what child or young teen could handle. True, they are exceptionally well done, and can be appreciated as such, but they are still for children. Not to say films like "Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind of the Bugs of the Moss" and Princess Mononoke are geared towards kids as well, they are the more adult offerings.
Oh! Spirited Away had no overwhelming, heavy handed ecological message. A lot of the Miyazaki films seem to have a very obvious statement that can sometimes be distracting. It's as if you want to say "Yeah...we get it...yeah, I heard you the first time"
It occurs to me that I might be stagnating again, since I'm pretty sure I'm starting to repeat myself. Well, besides the obvious repetition of stagnation.
Now I'm just waiting for Vid to get done dealing with time sheets so we can go haul printers around. Oh, speaking of hauling around, I helped a friend move last night. Oh, hell, back to work.
Alright, now that it's 10:30pm, I can finish this.
Well, maybe I can't. I can't even remember what I wanted to expound upon, much less....expound upon it.
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