Saturday, January 26, 2002
|3:21 PM|
What the hell time is it? Oh, man. It's awfully late. I have a party to attend tonight, and my sink is still screwed up in the kitchen. Keeping my apartment clean may be a priority, but when the damn disposal fails miserably, that can be a problem. I'll tell the apartment people tonight. That is, if the power is still on. It's been one of those kinds of days.
I actually had a dream that didn't piss me off last night, though at one point I broke both my knees. I don't have to avoid sleeping, this is a good thing. This facial cleanser claims it may dry my skin, and I should avoid direct sunlight. I should have kept the rest of the warnings to see if it said that I may experience a sudden allergy to garlic, and I may be more susceptible to death as caused by heart penetration by wooden stake. I'll let you know if my teeth grow and if I start to be more angsty than usual. "Oooh the TORMENT!" Bah.
Oh, time for some "Reviews in less that 2 minutes".
First up, Gotham Racing for the X-Box. Incredibly beautiful racing game allows you to drive cars that are not street legal anywhere besides the driveway of the factory that built them. Highlights include several cities to race around in, realistic paint job damage, and the Ford Focus Electric Fuel hybrid getting it's reasonable and sensible ass kicked by the Lotus Meta-Penis Extender XLE. Unfortunately, starring role cars from "Gone in 60 seconds" and "The Fast and the Furious" do not make appearences. Drag.
Dirt Bike game with some famous Dirt Biker's name attached: Though interesting for a few minutes, this dirt bike racing game did not amuse us enough to justify the $6 we paid for the rental. Though it did have all of the big dirt bike racing industry names on it, but I can't recall any of them. I suck.
Halo 2 player deathmatch is still fun.
I need to get a few chores done, or it'll be like Saturday was wasted.
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Friday, January 25, 2002
|1:50 PM|
Finally Friday. The highlight today so far has been finding out that the Nestle Crunch Bars here at work are now offering "10% more FREE!" and how can I resist that? So instead of not eating candy bars, I'm eating a candy bar that is larger than usual. At least my stomach muscles are noticeably stronger, but they are not nearly toned enough to show off to people.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2002
|7:44 PM|
Christ, and I thought I was angry about Real Player. I wanted to, at some point, punish Real Networks for their vile deeds. But the crap outlined in the first link there is downright criminal. And even if the company claims that it doesn't collect credit card info,
They are still broadcasting personal data in an un-encrypted form for anyone who is looking for it to find. Sure, they may delete credit card numbers, but what if I took a bit of a look through this application's guts, and found a way to monitor it's transmissions? I could be grabbing everything you ever send in a form. Web Based Email, blogger entries, user name and passwords to a variety of sites. Everything, all screamed out from your browser. I take precautions, I run ad-aware, but even ad-aware had no idea about this little bastard. And my virus scanner isn't going to pick it up, it looks just like IE! Jesus, this is the sort of deep dark secret that could be horribly abused by people in the know. Sure, demographic information collection is unavoidable, but I'd rather not be forwarding every web based email I send and every form I modify to whoever wants it.
I was going to talk about some exciting new inventions we came up with in the office today, all very cool, very marketable, and some are, well, kinky. But I have to go to a poker game and work out my frustrations with some good, solid, gambling.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2002
|11:44 PM|
Blogger was broken, it ate some stuff. Blah Blah Blah. It appears that 90% of my future tasks at my current job will involve a giant Dell server. The best my boss can come up with as an analogy is the Cat Milking in Dune. For those of you unfamiliar with it, a character is poisoned in such a way that he must milk a cat daily for an antidote. "Love that server, keep that server happy, if you don't, you will die" My boss is so morbid. He did use the term "Value Add" today. All of a sudden, after being promoted, he's doing all manner of new boss type things, like using buzz words and chewing me out for my fuck ups. I did have to resist the urge to put my hand behind my head and start screaming as I pointed at him, in the style of
"Invasion of the body snatchers" with Donald Sutherland. Christ, value add! What the hell did they do to him at that meeting? Anyway, I'm going to nick name the server "The Beast" and attach myself to it as much as possible. If I can, I'll have it regulate my breathing. In this crappy artists rendering, I paste a VR headset onto an old picture of myself and then put a server in the background. How lame.

I'm hungry. That's a new one. I haven't felt this hungry in a long time. Too bad I ate all the food.
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|12:34 AM|
Monday was pretty important as far as my job goes. I'm hoping today we finally get an answer on....anything.
I did realize one thing today that had been staring me in the face for sometime. Don't ask people how they feel about you, you're just going to have to figure it out. At least I've been acting in that fashion for a couple months now, but geez, I wish I could have had that one nailed into my head at some point in the past. That sort of thing just destabilizes everything.
the plan of staying up so late that I am absolutely forced to go to sleep seems to be working. I'm off to try to dream a normal nightmare or something.
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Monday, January 21, 2002
|4:32 AM|
Something tells me that today is more important than usual. I've been up all night dealing with laundry and cleaning. I actually got in touch with a woman specifically to order me to go do my laundry, and clean part of my house. It was most helpful, and I got a lot of cleaning done. I swept, I cleaned out my medicine cabinet, I took out all the trash, I dealt with my cat related issues, and I even got rid of the coke cans on my desk. Sadly, during the course of the cleaning I drank 4 more cans of coke and they have ended up here at my desk. I am utterly exhausted, physically, but mentally I'm still going strong. Well, more or less. I think I'm much closer to delusional than normal. I wanted to have pictures of my much cleaner apartment but since I lack digital film or an s-video cable I am completely without a way to do so.
Crap. Now I have to sleep for 2 hours.
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|2:25 AM|
Hmmm. That's a new bit of info. The "Iz" in "The Maxx" make a "meep" noise when imitating human speech. But since it's a human male making the noise, it is neither cute, nor the proper pitch. The meep chirp is solely a female utterance I'm afraid.
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Sunday, January 20, 2002
|11:21 PM|
My dreams are beginning to really bother me. They speak of good and happy times and then tear them from me. They answer all of my questions in a language I cannot understand when I wake up, and they find everything I've lost or that I seek and hide it again. It's wearing me down to wake up and remember that it wasn't real, it was all a dream, that things haven't changed. I wonder what my doc would say about all of this. More drugs, more than likely. Anti dream drugs, drugs that just insert happy cartoon characters romping around, that don't raise any issues with the notions I have settled upon.
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|4:21 PM|
So what am I doing?
I'm cleaning, I'm working out, I'm eating a bagel.....I must be trying to make up for a nonproductive weekend.
Hmm, this bagel tastes fresh, the ham is still warm...
Something that is bothering me lately is the constant attack my ankles are getting from insects. Vorpal was present for a couple of these attacks, one of which occurred in his car. Some creature crawled out of the darkness and up my pants leg, and it took a fair amount of beating to make it go away. Though it has only happened once at my home, it has happened on numerous occasions at my place of work. It's starting to really get on my nerves. Another problem is that I'm so worried about feeling that tell tale crawling sensation on my legs that I'm starting to feel it other places, like my shoulder blades and the backs of my knees. It's bothersome. I may just get some deep woods off and spray my socks with it. That might be a bad idea though.
Does anyone have a spare S-Video cable?
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|3:33 PM|
Oops! Looks like I ran out of space to publish. Sorry about that.
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|3:18 AM|
I went out with my folks to a local comedy club, had a good time, and ended up going to the party. Despite my purchase of a keg, and the aquisition of firewood, I failed to impress any of the women at the party who were not attached. I impressed the hell out of couple who had boyfriends present, though. I had a pretty damn good time talking to this guy named Josh, who I only really see at parties. He's a good guy, and I think I'll see him at the party next week. I spent a large portion of the party trying to figure out how to hit on women with a line involving "See that beer? I bought that, and carried it here!" along with "The fire that is warming many people right now is my doing!" but I couldn't think of anything.
Well, I'm going to bed.
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