Saturday, December 29, 2001
|6:46 PM|
Thanks to a lack of drugs earlier, I've been slowly getting things back into shape, dosage schedule wise. I spent Wedensday night, Thursday, and Friday awake except for brief collapsing episodes when I waited for the next dose to hit. It's now 6:49 and I woke up a mere 4 hours ago. I'm going silly in the head again as I wait for my drugs to hit, but I'm finally back on schedule. Tommorow I should be "Normal".
I'm listening to "Clubbed to Death". I limit my listening of it to once every couple weeks, as it sometimes has an odd affect on me. A long time ago it disrupted my brain almost to the point of incapacitation, and right now it's just making me feel very nostalgic.

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|5:12 PM|
I had a bizarre dream in which I had to infiltrate a cult, ditch all of my possessions in the woods and then destroy the cult from the inside. It was a cult of miners who were always dealing with giant subterranean worms. As the obnoxious new guy, I was always on mine field duty, and I had to keep repositioning live landmines until I got sick of it and shot everyone. Not exactly the best de-programming of a cult that I can think of, offhand.
I had to negotiate my way into the cult over a cellphone, and the guy didn't trust me one little bit. It doesn't seem that I would make the best cult infiltrator. I stuttered on my fake name, and claimed I had thrown my wallet in the river when I was asked for ID. I was also the only guy not allowed to carry weapons, and I had to steal a gun by being the only person who knew how to fix jams.

I'm currently not cleaning my apartment or shaving, which I really should be doing.
I defeated HALO last night with a friend. It was an absolute blast, including one hell of a final run for the last ride out of town. They didn't use a convincing enough 3D model for the HALO planet in the last couple scenes, that was about the only dissapointing thing. Madcap slaughter of Aliens is always entertaining.
I keep feeling guilty when I watch violent movies or television shows. I'm trying to track down why.

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Friday, December 28, 2001
|3:27 AM|
Well, I had quite a day on the 27th. I ran out of drugs, I had to call in sick, and many other bizarre things. They all culminated in the following exchange:

Towtruck Guy: Hello there!
Me: Hi!
Towtruck Guy: So...what seems to be the situation?
Me: Well, I seem to be stuck in this here ditch about to roll over.
Towtruck Guy: I see. How'd this happen?
Me: A shitty U-turn! I was just on my way to the pharmacy to get some drugs....
Towtruck Guy: I like the way you put that..."to get some drugs"
Me: Heh! Well, you see, I'm quite crazy at the moment, but could you help me?
Towtruck Guy: Sure! So long as you don't knife me or nothing!
Me: Nah, don't worry, I'm unarmed. Whoa...I think this thing is about to Roll, do you think I should be my seatbelt back on?
Towtruck Guy: Uh...
Me: (Tugging on seatbelt) Shit, it's locked. Well, I'm panicking.
Towtruck Guy: Hmmm, I could get you out for $50
Me: Okay! Do you take a check?
Towtruck Guy: Nope!

I did get out of the ditch, and I have a write up of mentioned story here. It even had diagrams!

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Thursday, December 27, 2001
|12:31 AM|
So....I said I hated consoles. I also said that you could never play a real first person shooter on a console. Bah. I played a truly sickenly long game of Halo this past evening. Just sickening. There are few game moments more satisfying then the crack of a rifle butt on the back of a fleeing alien's head.
Go. Play. Understand that I was wrong.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2001
|2:25 AM|
I played some of the wonderful game "Halo" on a friend's Xbox this past evening. It was most enjoyable. I am suprised to be saying such a thing about a console game, as normally the control scheme of such things makes me retch with anger. Bungie manages to pull it off quite nicely. Though I have found my interest in violent videogames on the decline lately, this game delivers solid alien splashing action. Speaking of Aliens, the marines are more than happy to quote the movie "Aliens", curse, and taunt the invaders
Well, I'm highly entertained. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2001
|3:31 PM|
I've update yee olde Comedy Gangbang

I'm back home from my parent's place. I stopped by briefly to drop some stuff off, and check mail, make sure nothing was on fire. I'm going to have to clean this apartment TONIGHT. Vorpal stopped by while I was out of town to pick up some paperwork, and I got a call on my cell phone that sounded just like the hive scene in "Aliens". He screamed into the communicator (Cell phone) and told his backup (Videodrome) "DON'T GO BACK IN THERE! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU LEFT BEHIND!". He also claimed that my apartment was a "Heart of Darkness" and some other cruel things. All I can say is: It doesn't matter how late you are, or how suddenly rushed, you can leave Christmas gifts unsent, packages unwrapped, clothes unpacked, but never, ever, leave a mixing bowl full of mind control cookie dough overnight in your sink. Yes, this includes instances where you have been soaking it.
It was quite a unique smell, that bowl of cookie dough. Very unique.

In other cooking news, the houses I stayed at were happy to receive separate batches of mind control cookies. I was grateful for their hospitality. I did not even use the cookies to command them(the people) to do my bidding. I just made sure I got showers that were as long as I wanted.

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|1:08 PM|
Back in Town. Merry Christmas to all readers and people I know. I will update more but right now I must


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Sunday, December 23, 2001
|4:15 AM|
Nope! Attempts at sleep are not going to be successful due to the incredible amount of caffeine I have consumed this evening. Alright, so it looks like I'm going to be awake a little while. I could go into a little more detail about my trip so far. After that first rather bizarre day, I spent most of the day running errands with a friend of mine from high school, I used to date her. Wickie is a fun female to have around. (oh, saw Requiem for a dream, and I want to write about that, so dammit, looks like I'm slapping movie review section on here as well. Time to get out the spreaders and the chainsaw, Blogger has to give up another tiny chunk of bandwidth.). It was on the third damned day that I finally managed to get in touch with people, or that people returned my damned phone messages that I kept leaving. Dinner was eaten, Lord of the Rings was watched, a good and long time was had by all involved.
I had to sneak around the back of the house I was staying at, as their front door was completely impossible to operate. I'm sure it's some kind of security feature. A potential robber would starve to death before figuring out that the door is just a giant chunk of wood nailed to the front of the house with a doorknob rudely attached, as if the door had been attack by a homicidal locksmith. Or so it would seem. My footprints through the snow were still visible the next morning. It would appear from the way the weather is acting that those footprints will likely outlive my visit to Chicago.
Zusty and JP drove down to say hello. We dragged them from place to place, as we couldn't figure out something to do that we were all in favor of doing. My ultra-decisive asshole mode was ineffectual at accomplishing anything beyond the visiting of three separate eating establishments over the course of the night. Everyone involved was fairly tired, but I think it could have gone a lot worse as far as social circle meetings can go. JP and Zusty still occasionally pull themselves into their own world, with it's own private language and rules. I, on the other hand, have merely perfected my crab scuttle imitation. And I wonder why I'm alone.

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|3:51 AM|
Oh, yeah, I'm still in Chicago. I'll get something or other up and running when I'm back. Rock, if you're reading this, something screwy is going on with my phone. whenever you left your message I didn't get it until 2am. Wench, if you're reading this I haven't heard anything out of you at all, but that's alright. I'm sure you're quite busy doing Wench related things.

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|3:45 AM|
I found out a few hours before I needed to leave that my flight was much earlier than I had expected. I managed to convince Vorpal to drive me to the airport, (for which I am still deeply indebted to Vorpal), but this meant leaving several key bits of bussiness unfinished. Packages remain unmailed. Cookie dough is currently in my fridge, likely planning it's next move.
I was forced to purchase 12 new pairs of socks as I left all my socks in the washing machine back home, along with most of my shirts. So I'm running around with nice new socks and 3 shirts to last me 5 days. Road Laundry...aaaah yeah!
Lucky for me, Vanguard is not the standard travel choice of America, and the line was not 3 blocks long as it was in front of the Delta or American Airlines' desks. Security was as tight as possible without stripping passengers, and they weren't about to expose my pasty body to the populace at large. They did have soldiers armed with M-16s standing around looking menacing at all the security check points. I did my best to not draw attention to myself.
I was trapped at Midway Airport for several hours, as my ride had fallen through and a replacement could not be found. I managed to hop a ride on a courtesy shuttle, using the ballsy move of claiming I was staying at one of the Hotels listed on the side of the van. Once I managed to get to the hotel complex, I proceeded from Inn to Inn seeking internet access and leaving messages for a "Jeff K. Anderson".
I caught a train, got a ride, crashed out and prepped for the next day. I'll be sure to regale you with that tale shortly. Right now, I'm scheduled for sleep. I hope the Adderall blasting through me allows it.

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