Saturday, August 04, 2001
|6:41 AM|
There is a particular joy in pressing the gas pedal all the way to the floor. If this can be done right aftet an impressive U-turn, then all the better. The car leaps forward, it makes dramatic "RRR" noises, and has a better chance of catching air after the bumps in the crappy road. The big danger, for me, of racing around at 5am in my car is a full moon. It's not that I turn into a were-rat or anything, it's that I often find myself staring at the damn thing. It's like a picture that has been hung at an angle, my eye is just drawn to it. So, new rule in the car is "eyes on the road, not the moon" which is about as reasonable as "Do not place your hands on the heated stove"

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Tuesday, July 31, 2001
|1:07 AM|


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