Wednesday, July 18, 2001
|8:30 PM|
Saturday, July 18, 2001
Shoot. Artfag is posting a link to this pile of crap website. THIS ISN'T E/N I SWEAR TO GOD.
Dammit. It's not like I have content. Here... here are some pictures of people you don't know and likely will never meet. Here is a webcam duel a buddy of mine and I did to entertain a bunch of people you've never heard of. Page 1 Page 2 Well, I hope that makes clicking on this stupid place's link almost meaningful in it's painful uselessness.

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|8:30 PM|
Saturday, July 07, 2001
I'm trying to build a server Tribes 2. Huzzah.
Everyone seems to be on the road except me. A pair of my friends (status being "a couple") are taking a road trip to San Francisco to celebrate the female half of that relationship's turning 21. Another friend just took a trip up to Dallas. On the 4th I ran into a couple jailbait high schoolers who had driven all the way down from Idaho. They apparently travelled all this way to chill in a hot tub with myself and a couple other illegal males, in varying states of drunkeness. The wanderlust that I wrestle with everyday seems to be getting worse again. I'm so desperate to just get out of town again, but I cannot afford it. It seems every reflex, every impulse, every thought that goes through my head when I drive cries out to just leave town. Just pick a direction and keep going.
It would be such a bad idea. Beside losing my apartment, my job, and the future at college I hope to fufill in 3 months, my car would quickly become the property of the bank, and I'd be driving a stolen vehicle. With no cruise control, for crying out loud.
I actually have content. Most of the bird story . I have to edit it to make sense, but I have the tale of being chased around an apartment complex for setting off fireworks. A HOOLIGAN BE I.

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|8:22 PM|
This Post Deleted because it was silly. Apologies all around.

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