Monday, June 16, 2008
Sheel is leaving |4:13 AM|
Sheel is leaving. Has left, as I actually write this post, 2 weeks later. Above is a link to the gallery of his party.
I spent a great deal of time getting having teeth sunk into my flesh by the always
morsitation delectatio Suzy

The party was a blast. Perhaps not on the level of Christina's birthday, but I think such a blowout is hard to match, much less top.
Christina's was also a celebration of a birthday where as Sheel's was more a way to
mark the end of...something.
I'm getting pretty good at this. That is, dealing awesome people I care about, leaving town. I'm tempted to drive up to Philly in the next 6 months or so, just to say hello.
Christina and Alex are going to Ithaca soon.
Suzy leaves in August.
August marks 2 years since, well.
The rest of you sons of bitches, the ones worth a damn, better not leave. Goddammit.
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