Monday, May 19, 2008
Late Fees |7:18 PM|
I went to the local library today, two of them actually. While the Texas library system has vast, dizzying, truly giddying resources, these local examples instilled in me the desire to go donate my entire personal library to them*. All the books I sought were present at far flung branches, or if there were entries for these books at the local branch, said books had been stolen.

It was like browsing a well picked over Half Price Books, there wasn't depth to the catalog, and yet there were truly bizarre components. Example, they had "Catch-22" by Heller, but not "Picture this" or "Something Happened", yet they had a 12-20 volume DVD collection called "The Historic Hotels of America".

I do not wish to say the trip was a negative one, far from it. I've got holds on books at other branches now, they let me check things out for 3 weeks, and I'm staggered at the books and other media available to me, as long as I'm willing to drive to the larger branches. I wandered up and down the aisles for ages, whittling down my selections, since I was allowed to check out only 2 items on my first day.

Man, I want to go volunteer there, maybe have some fund raisers so that their media section is not a couple of Sealab 2021 DVDs, a single volume of "Roots" and an audio book of "The Da Vinci Code"


Silly - you can place items on hold via their online catalog and have them send it to whatever branch you want to pick it up at! Hence, you DON'T have to drive to multiple branches. Make the system work for you!


Just another useful PSA from your friendly local librarian-conservator.

By Blogger QueenSuzy, at 1:00 PM  

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