Monday, December 10, 2007
Defined |8:35 PM|
It occurs to me that my life is currently defined by a drive. On one side of the drive I am happy and social. On the other I must force compulsion to improve myself as a person. Pushups, studying PHP, reading, etc.
The drive is not a lesson. The drive is not important. Early on during this San Antonio situation, Naked Empire had a show at the Red Eyed Fly. I was more than happy to drive my ass down there to see them play, it was important. Chris made a point of thanking me for coming down.

Back then, it was still a struggle. Now it's just this thing I do that I dislike. It burns up my car, it eats up time, and it runs about $15-20 in gasoline.
While I'm glad that I can go back to Austin with some regularity, it somehow makes this experience feel more trivial. I didn't go on some grand adventure. I just went to a crappy town and I go back to the fun one as much as I can. If I had been sent to the Cancun site, or hell, the Phoenix construction site, that'd be something. I'd have a reason to meet new people. The city, the sights, would be new.
Here, I just go back to the hotel room or go run or try to work out. Anything like the zoo or Seaworld would be a weekend thing, and I use my weekends to go home.
I guess I should invite people down here one Saturday. I mean, I've got a hotel room with several beds, and I ain't really using them.
It's such a minor concern in the big scheme of things, it isn't something I'll be able to brag about accomplishing, and it doesn't improve me as a person, I guess that's my problem.
Labels: exiled
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