1-800-Brendie |1:12 AM|
I have a new nickname, one that I actually like! Long time readers/people I bitch to/whomever know that I have been nicknamed "Weasel" by two independent social circles. I did not appreciate this.
However, being nicknamed, pretty much out of the blue "Brendy" is heartwarming. Alternatively, "Brendie" as in 1-800-Brendie. For all of your castle sieging needs.
I'm trying to spend about 30 minutes or so writing an evening, though a lot of it will never see the light of day. Such is the way of the world, or so I'm told by the drunken writer out of Portland with whom I parley with daily.
I threw some more pictures into the "Time Line" gallery.
 Labels: Pictures, Wonderlust
These comments work. Probably. ->