Saturday, June 23, 2007
Interviewed, phone calls |2:18 AM|
I nailed that interview yesterday. and at the time I thought that I was totally getting the offer, unless the Jesus Christ of IT was the next interview.
Today I got the call, and the offer, I guess Jesus was busy. I just need to pass a drug screening and a background check. I know the drug screen will be clean, but I felt this irrational fear that something stupid would show up on the background check. I jumped onto the Travis County Clerk's office to make sure I didn't have any warrants. Nothing under "Hinman", wow, that even means my cousin isn't being chased for once. That's a nice change.
In any case, seeing as I am out of money, this offer comes at an excellent time.
COBRA ain't kickin' in for a while. If I miss these dosages, I go nuts or my skin blows off.
How the heck am I going to afford these pills? Does anyone I know take this stuff?

Oh! Thank goodness, someone I know was taking these and doesn't need 'em anymore. Now let's see here, I'm on 200 milligrams and these are...

5. 5 milligram pills. Let me get the calculator. Oh. That's...that's like 40 pills.
Eh, it's better than blowing the last of my dough. I'll just need a bigger cup of water.
In other news I'm trying to get in touch with a woman to tell her some pretty depressing as hell news. The thing is, she has no idea who I am, and I'm not just going to leave the message on an answering machine. Since I got only the voicemail, the message I left was a wee bit awkward: "Hi there, this is Brendan Hinman, you don't know me but if you could please call me I'd appreciate it..."
I did manage to keep the "uh"'s and "ummm"'s out of there, but it was still awkward.
If I got that message, I'd only call them back out of pure curiosity, but I would assume a lot of people would just say "Huh?" and go back to their lives.
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