Monday, June 04, 2007
Christina Returns. |9:41 PM|
The weekend:

Christina has returned from France, a party was thrown.
There was music, and so we danced.
This terrible dance was imported from Korea about 10 years ago.

Jordan came by for a visit, always good to see him.

I ended up going to all night diners twice in one evening, first with Kristina, then later Christina. Christina (when she went to Star Seeds) Spent a great deal of time yelling about how she loved America, missed America, mostly due to their being places to eat at 4am.

Despite getting in at about 5:45/6am, I went out to see Kamon, Cass, and Jimmy all play soccer

Hung out at Jason's place, then watched "Aliens" with Will, who had managed to never see it.

Sunday was spent vegging out at a professional level.

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nice blog

By All Blog Spots, at 1:43 AM  

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