Monday, April 02, 2007
Goddammit I'm going to pull it off this time |2:23 PM|
I went a couple months with next to no chocolate. I say "next to no[ne]" because sometimes I am a weak willed human.
Let's see if I can do a little better this time.

Is the last donut. It is a Ken's donut with chocolate and sprinkles. It is the last junk food, candy, bad-for-you stuff I'm going to have. For 3 months.
Yeah, yeah, feel free to scoff and chuckle. I'll do my best, I give myself about, oh, 30% chances of doing it with one slip. But, if I can avoid cake at the company parties, swedish fish on sundays, baking any of those damn cookies, chocolate chips passed to me by friends, etc.
Hell I've gone what, 3, 4 months without cinnamon rolls? Maybe more. God I miss cinnamon rolls.
Anyhow 3 months is... June 2nd. I shall give it my best.
Good for you. I've given up a lot of sweets lately, and it's helping. Eliminating them all isn't so good, but moderation of how much and how often seems to be the key...
There is a tiny bit of goddamn chocolate in the fridge, that I thought was gone.
I can hear it. It's lonely.
Bring it over and I'll keep it company for a day....
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