Thursday, March 15, 2007
Cables and Toes |11:44 PM|
Note:This entry was supposed to be posted earlier, but some idiotic stuff happened. It'll be detailed in the next post, probably above this one.

I was tempted to make some kind of "toe cable" pun for the title, but I'm much better than that.
I have a policy of always helping people jump their cars, if it's at all possible. My buddy Ian calls, says he needs to borrow the cables, that he'd bring them back that afternoon. I'm fine with this. I've probably already written in this blog about my history with jumper cables.
I do not hear back from Ian that day. I do not hear from him the next morning. That afternoon, I get a call from an Ian that is using the "I fucked up voice"
Ian: Brendan, I'm sorry, I've got some bad news about the cables.
Me: You melted them, didn't you?
Ian: Yeah, how did you know?
Me: How did you hook them up? Did you go positive/Positive, Negative/Negative?
Ian: Yeah, isn't tha
Me: Nope.*
Ian: How am I supposed to hook them up?
Me: Positive lead on Booster goes to positive on dead car, Negative lead on booster goes to the engine block/other ground point on the dead.
Him: Oh. Man I'm sorry
Me: It's okay, at least you didn't blow up the battery.

*Yeah, I think I cut him off, for humor purposes. I'm a dick sometimes.

New policy: I'm jumping the cars from now on. If you need a car jumped in Austin, give me a call. My response time may be up to 8 hours, though.
Ian's not an idiot, he's very intelligent, he just didn't know how to hook up the cables. Seeing as I recently set a bunch of wires on fire when I was trying to hook up a light bar, I have sympathy.

Next subject, my toe. I was having issues with the nail, the kind of issues that really, really fucking hurt. The nail, digging into my flesh, had also disabled a nerve that controlled/communicated with the right side of the foot in question (the left). This made balancing difficult at best, and I had to compensate with all the muscles on the left side, so now they're all pulled to hell.
Bitch bitch bitch. It comes down to Doc Pops yanking my toe open, and digging around again. Which, thanks to some weird issue with the anesthetic not fully working (that is until he jammed that sonavabitch needle directly into the nail bed, and even then it was mostly effective) I had quite the experience when he started digging around.
I was howling every so often, and he'd stop. It got to the point where I just started yelling "Finish it jesus fuck just finish don't listen to me!"
This all made the most recent nipple piercing seem like a walk in the park.

Now my toe is sitting in a post-op boot, and it feels about 100 times better than it did yesterday, or the day before.


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