Wednesday, January 03, 2007
New years |3:32 AM|
Went out to a couple of events and parties. These guys put on some manner of "sky dancing" on the side of the Raddison, and it was pretty, but...not as impressive as such an undertaking might have been. While I understand how very difficult what they were doing was, it just didn't "move" me as other similar acts and performances have.
It's hard to explain, exactly.
Here is a gallery as this post kind of sucks and I mean to update and expand on it further.
Not a lot of photos made the cut. Sorry. I take a shitload but I'm only ever happy with a couple, and there those that I judge tolerable. I took some movies with the camera, but they're a little large for public consumption and might trigger epileptic fits. (Footage of a strobe light)
Labels: Cass, Mariko, Pictures
could you send me a link to a hidden hosting of movies?
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