Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Technical Certification in FUCKING UP |6:07 PM|
I have never, ever ever failed a technical certification test. Especially some goddamn motherfucking open book BULLSHIT like the test I was taking today, which was for a Lexmark printer. This buggy as a horse-drawn cart, poorly thought out shit festival kept claiming that answers I selected were incorrect, despite being ver-fucking-batim from the test. I will admit, one of the questions was merely poorly written, and was using a slash as an "or", and the documentation used it as an "and", and if I had read it a couple more times I might have gotten that one correct. But, there was shit like this:

If you can tell me why the first instance of the correct fucking answer was different from the second instance of the correct fucking answer, (according to my witty coworker, "The letter in front of it, of course.") by all means, let me know. And don't suggest that they might BOTH be incorrect because after seeing two answers like that I scoured that fucking documentation to determine that the ONLY correct answer was the one I selected.
The cockslicers at Lexmark may be able to write excellent web management tools, but it's like they write every other piece of software with one hand while masturbating on the floor.
The capper was that the email address within the test to "submit feedback" bounces back with an error that there is no account by that name at lexmark.com. That's great.
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