Pent Up |12:33 AM|
Right, it's been a while since I've updated, so now some horrificly dorky shit.
I was on an internet forum, a large and popular one. It was large enough and exclusive enough that when naked pictures of a female poster were released in one way or another, it was a notable deal.
Enough of a notable deal that said images (sometimes not even naked images) were collected into an archive, for ease of passing around. One of the more desired women on the board never had any naked images surface, but some alluring stuff was out there. Now, I was good friends with this woman at the time, and an odd picture of her and me became part of this archive.
Exibit A.
 That image was in the middle of a couple of other images of this woman. Which means, that when goodness knows how many dorks were jerking off to the series of images, they'd hit the "next image" button on their computer and whammo. Mr. Cecil and friend on a trampoline. Har. Har. Har. My internet pals and I were amused at the idea.
Enter this bad guy. This guy I was speaking with tonight, and he mentioned how a pal of his had just downloaded the archive in question. Thus:
bhinmanrr: OH! If that's the goonporn archive, I'M IN THERE. But not like you think. badguy:It is! But why not?
bhinmanrr: If you hit the (woman in question) folder, you can find a picture of me with her on a trampoline in Phoenix. Back when we were pals. bhinmanrr: I used to joke with a couple people that people have accidently jacked off to me, by hitting the next image button and HOOOZAH LOOKIT ME.
badguy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA JESUS badguy:I have totally jacked off to that photo!
bhinmanrr: OH GOD bhinmanrr: I feel violated.
Now the debate is raging on between myself, this guy, and third guy about who is actually "Own'd" Yes, we are colossal dorks. Is it the guys accidently jerking it to me, or is it me, the inadvertent target of pent up sexual frustration? Alright, "raging" isn't the word. Besides, this is a hypothetical question, dammit.
These comments work. Probably. ->