Friday, March 04, 2005
Unexpected, Involuntary car modifications. |11:22 PM|
Ah, my glorious 2002 Celica GT.

It was suddenly modified the other day.
I was driving down the road, and I take a turn off of a ramp, I was hemmed in on one side by a car and a wall on the other. This is important to note, because I couldn't swerve. Just ahead, I see a black object in the road, lined up perfectly with one of my wheels. It looked like half of a plastic license plate holder, so I wasn't too worried about my inability to miss it. But when my tire hit it I heard a distinctly metallic CLANK CLANK GRIND
I think.
"There goes something on my undercarriage"
I continue driving for a minute or two, and nothing seems to be wrong with the car. Steering, suspension, ok, I also performed the highly scientific "look behind the car to check if anything seems to be leaking out onto the road". Looks good. I continue on my merry way to my girlfriend's place.
Near my destination, I hit a bit of a dip in the road and hear a similar GRIND GRIND GRIND.
"FUCK. One of my shocks is fucked!"
I park, get out, and begin a visual inspection of all 4 tires. Nothing. I look under the car on the driver's side. Nothing. I look under the car on the passen...what the FUCK is THAT?

That, that is a crowbar. Lodged in my car.
I managed to pull it out, with some effort. It had lodged itself in the rubber/plastic seal at the bottom of the door. I suppose I'm damn lucky it didn't veer in its flight path and hit, oh, I dunno, the oil pan, or the self-destruct button I put in last week.

Anyone else get things lodged in their car? It doesn't count if it was a homeless guy you left to die in your garage.
Labels: Crowbars, Entropy, Pictures
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