Polite note left on a parked car. |1:27 AM|
I was out at the local cinema the other day, when perchance I came across one of the most obnoxious parking jobs I have ever seen.
It was in a parking lot that serves a mall as well as the movie theater, on a weekend, so parking spaces are already at a premium. Though it has little to do with what an asshole the driver was, the spaces in question were some of the closest ones to the theater.
Spaces? Why yes. This vehicle parked in the middle of the yellow line, blocking 2 spaces, and then pulled forward to block an amazing 4 spaces.
 Click for a larger version.
I Looked around for the person wearing the "I'm with douchebag" and upward pointing arrow shirt, but there was no one in sight. I wrote a polite note and left it under the wiper blade.
"Dear fuckstick. Nice parking job asshole! I hit your car anyway. Have fun finding it!"
No, I did not damage this person's vehicle, but they probably starved to death in the time it would take to search that thing's body panels for a dent or scratch.
These comments work. Probably. ->